






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-8-8 08:00| 查看数: 1269| 评论数: 2|

公交老人专车 Senior-only bus ( A senior-only bus catering exclusively topassengers over 70 started to run in Shanghai Wednesday with a promiseto make travel safer and more comfortable forseniors.上海市开通"公交老人专车",专供70岁以上老人乘坐,以提高老年人乘车的安全性和舒适度。)

午睡吧 nap bars (Some white collar workers in Shanghai are complaining thatthey don't have cozy space to take a rest during the lunch break as anap on the office desk always goes uncomfortable. They call onbusinessman to operate 'nap bars' in commercial areas.上海市写字楼中不少白领抱怨无法利用午休时间好好休息,在办公桌上打盹儿很不舒服。一些人已经提议商家在商业区开设“午睡吧”供白领休息。)

房奴mortgage slave (Such high housing prices have rendered me a mortgage slave.这么高的房价已将我沦为房奴。)

"可印刷"电池 "printable" battery (German scientists recently developed thefirst "printable" battery in the world, which weighs less than one gramand measures less than 1mm thick. The paper-thin battery can beproduced through a printingprocess.德国研究人员最近开发出了世界上首款"可印刷"电池,它薄如纸张,每个重量不足1克,厚度不到1毫米,用印刷技术就能生产。)

你真奥巴马(Obama) You are cool (The 160-page Englishslang lexicon records such terms or phrases as 'You so obama,' whichmeans 'You are cool,' 'presh' for cute or precious and 'schwa' for wow.这本英语俚语词典共160页,囊括了"你真奥巴马",意思是"你真酷"。其它被收入的词汇如"presh",意思是可爱的、宝贵的,等词语。)

即溶泳衣 dissolvable bikini (The dissolvable bikinilooks like a real bikini but disappears after just a few seconds inwater. 从表面看,这种泳衣和真正的比基尼没有任何区别,但入水几秒钟后,它却能被彻底溶解掉。)

漫游费 roaming fees (China Mobile has slashed the international calling androaming fees for the 2nd time in nearly 4 years, according topeople.com.cn. 据人民网报道,近日,中国移动大幅降低了国际长途和漫游资费,这是中国移动近4年内第2次大幅度下调国际资费。)

针灸needle treatment/acupuncture(Lucky pets are getting the needle treatment in the US.如今,幸运的宠物们在美国也能享受针灸治疗了。)

黑帮 mafia gangs(China's Ministry of Culture has banned websites featuringor publicizing online games which glamorize mafiagangs.中国文化部发布通知要求各地立即查处运营或宣传"黑帮"主题网络游戏的网站。)

应急办公室emergency response office(The downpour hit the county for about 20hours from Sunday evening, damaging 95 houses and 533 hectares offarmlands up to 3:30 pm, said the provincial government's emergencyresponse office.省政府应急办表示,截至15时30分,自周日晚开始袭击县城的暴雨已经持续了约20小时,毁坏房屋95座,农田533公顷。)

咨询热线 counseling hotline(Six counseling service hotlines were openedSunday by the regional health bureau in Urumqi, Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region, after the July 5 riot, Xinhuareported.据新华社报道,新疆维吾尔自治区卫生厅透露,自周日起,新疆专门开通6条心理咨询专线,以抚慰"7•5"事件人们的心理创伤。)

日食 eclipse (The eclipse provides a crucialopportunity to fight superstitions by raising awareness to remove thefears foisted by some people and electronic media.这次日食为我们提供了反对迷信、提高意识破除一些人和电子媒体灌输恐惧心理的重要机会。)

人弹Suicide bombers (Investigators worked Saturday to identify 2 suicidebombers who attacked the J.W. Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels inJakarta, Indonesia.印尼当局18日表示,前一日发生在万豪酒店和丽丝卡尔顿酒店的爆炸事件,确认系两名恐怖分子自杀式袭击所为。)

创业板 Growth Enterprise Board (Investors can apply to open accounts totrade stocks on the Growth Enterprise Board beginning on Wednesday.创业板开户报名工作15日开始启动。)

阳光保险 Sunshine insurance (Thesunshine insurance policy will allow holiday-makers to claim back partof the cost of their trip if at least 4 days of one-week breaks aresullied by rain. 根据"阳光保险"协议,如果游客在度假一周内至少4天遭遇下雨,就可申请退回部分旅费。)


习惯 发表于 2009-8-12 03:17:26

katy版主 加油!!![1_15]
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