






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-7-4 23:00| 查看数: 2119| 评论数: 7|

THE first steps into the workplace can be confusing. Fresh graduates are eager to impress, but usually end up running errands like photocopying, which is frustrating.

Newbies have a choice: They can either let these disappointments spoil their new working lives or learn to adapt.

繁琐小事(trivial things)。那么,该如何调整心态呢?


Everything starts from the basics. Bankers start by counting notes and sales managers start with door-to-door selling. Tao Pei, 22, spent her first month in Beijing as a trade specialist at a food company faxing and photocopying.


"I was upset," said Ta“Senior workers don’t explain these details to you, but you can learn through doing basic jobs,” said Tao.


How to be a happy errand runner:


- Say “Hi” to people and make friends with your colleagues.


- Read files while waiting by the printer. They are free “textbooks”.


“I was expecting to deal with clients instead of printers.” But she gradually discovered that running errands taught her how the whole business functions








yymelodic 发表于 2011-7-5 07:57:39
I think we should do running errands when we go to work first. don't look down upon these things,theywill help us enhance basic knowledge and we can learn from our trivial things.and everything starts from basics. don't be frustrating. we have to do the trivial things,then we can improve us from errands.

we have to keep normal heart to work.and we will find a great day during our life.
淡淡的才好 发表于 2011-7-5 11:15:39
A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. That is the very point I have kept since my first job. Do not expect that you can be promoted during a short time.As the article above said, u'll beable to accumulate and enlarge ur knowledge or experience through some somewhat trivial things. Apparently ur boss can judge ur ability in a process of ur dealing with

simple work.The topic reminds me to recall my fist job,which began with a secretary in a joint-venture. Though I was also a errands runner at that time,I got more than my other jobs then. Becuse of this,I relly recommendthat do not anticipate much,but do everything in ur effort instead.God is just, and the very person u can rely on is none other than urself.{:soso_e181:}
huowa222 发表于 2011-7-5 21:49:33
本帖最后由 huowa222 于 2011-7-5 21:51 编辑

now iv been working in sohu inc as a intern since the beginin of Jun. when i joined the MTC team, senior workers assigned me urgent task, which all were trivial things. i hated that,it was damn disgusting to read other's program and fix bugs.
Lana1983 发表于 2011-7-6 07:48:44
本帖最后由 Lana1983 于 2011-7-6 07:50 编辑

yeah,don't be tooimpetuous.said it to myself.
bear00 发表于 2011-7-6 12:33:08
no mention and no progress
amyguan 发表于 2011-7-6 15:07:11
How dare a company appoint you to do important work without trival business at the beginning? so just accept it, and perform better to shorten the running errand time. Indeed we can learn a lot from the simple works, since practice has many differences from the theory we learnt from school!
苏影 发表于 2011-8-19 20:15:46
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