





继续,新概念三 L16,作文练习,question和作文练习,求指正

发布者: sd6292766 | 发布时间: 2011-9-24 16:47| 查看数: 1491| 评论数: 0|

A: Well, Dimitri didn’t need to apologize to his neighbor. It was his neighbor that had stolen his little lamb and dyed its wool black.

Summary Writing:

Mary and her husband Dimitri lived in a tiny village. They had a little white lamb. One day, when Dimitri came back, Mary told him their white lamb had been stolen. Dimitri asked some neighbors for help and found that one of his neighbors, Aleko, had acquired a new lamb suddenly. He went to his house, to warn him of accusing him of having stolen his little lamb. Aleko denied returning the lamb; he took Dimitri to his backyard to his new little black lamb. After finding it, Dimitri felt ashamed and apologized Aleko of accusing him. Dimitri had to stay in Aleko’s house for some time because of the rain outside. After it stopped, Demitri went outside and found that the black lamb was almost white, especially its wool, had been washed clean by the rain.

Composition:Not so black

Dimitri took a close look at that lamb. He was surprised but confirmed that was the white lamb. Once again, he was definitely sure it was his lost white lamb.

The situation turned more and more violent. Dimitri got angry and accused Aleko for having stolen his little lamb. Aleko still denied theft, though he pretended not to understand why the black lamb turned into the white one. They had a great argument about the lamb. After Aleko couldn’t answer where to buy the lamb, he had to admit he had stolen the lamb and dyed it black without saying anything extra, but shaking his head. Dimitri called the police to arrest Aleko, and then turn his lamb back.

All the villagers were amused by this event and felt sorry for Aleko’s stupid habit. They discussed it just for fun at a great length for a long time.


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