





公寓伙伴系列节目- (适合跟读和背诵)--episode 6

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2011-10-18 16:17| 查看数: 951| 评论数: 0|

Tim: Morning, campers!

Alice: Ooh, not so loud, my head's killing me.

Michal: I'm feel awful too. I've got a pain stomach. My head hurts.....

Tim: Welcome to your first British hangover Michal! What you need now is a good fry-up.

Alice: Bleugh! Oh, morning Helen. You look as bad as I feel. Have you been crying?

Helen: No, no of course not. Just burning the midnight oil studying, studying, studying.

Tim: So, who's for eggs, beans and toast?

Alice: Urgh! You really are a pain in the neck sometimes Tim!

When you're ill, you can describe your symptoms (changes in your body which show that you're ill) in the following ways:


You can use have got + ache (when it forms part of a compound noun) with only 5 parts of the body:


I've got (a) backache
She's got (a) stomach-ache
He's got a headache
You've got (an)earache
He's got (a) toothache

Note: All of these aches except headache are usually uncountable in British English so you don't use a or an with them. In American English, all these aches are countable so you use a or an with them.


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