






发布者: sd6292766 | 发布时间: 2011-10-26 23:48| 查看数: 2020| 评论数: 1|

Insistence on Justice

Justice has been done’ is a great saying. It is always being heard from TV or radio programs when we know that some criminals have eventually been arrested by policemen. Meanwhile, news speakers always courage us not be weak when we meet with robbers. After Bin Latin has been killed, President Belick Obama made a speech, in which he claimed to the world: Justice has been done.

Justice is so important that is has become the main part of our mental life. We need justice, and what’s more, everyone must insist on justice. In this essay, I will analyze it by listing two to three sub-points.

To start with, where is the justice? Most of us believe that justice exists in our heart, in our mind. That not definitely the truth. Justice is a non-static living thing, that we can never see it, hear it, even touch it, but it always rewards us if we have done something benefit or punishes some guys who have made a mistake even commit a crime. In essence, justice never vanishes in our life.

Anyway, justice can protect our life, keep our life from threatening. Most of us have experienced that a thief go into our house to do something stealing. After finding it, we often shout for help at once and call the police because we believe that police represented the justice in such case. We also thank our neighbors for helping us to catch the thief. They are regarded as justice as well. It seems to be known that we must be justice and helpful with each other. Thus, it can make our life excellent.

What’s more, how to insist on justice? Gov officers have realized that justice could keep the society in safe and help the development of economy. So, first of all, education is the most important thing we need to take care. Children are pure when they come to this world. Both parents and teachers should be good samples for them, to tell them how to be a good guy in action. Meanwhile, to set a certain series strict laws to punish the crime and refresh current laws can keep the city catching up with the times constantly. Not only officers, but also all of us should trust with each other. A city without any love or help will be crude and cold which makes people isolate with others.

I’m sorry to hear the news about ‘Little YueYue’s Death’ event. There are too many questions we want to ask. What’s wrong with China? Which thing has led Chinese people to become cold with others?


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