






发布者: zyytsun | 发布时间: 2011-10-27 01:07| 查看数: 1482| 评论数: 2|

Ron: Uh, could I borrow a few bucks until payday? I'm a little strapped for cash.

Nancy: Uh, yeah, I guess, but I'm pinching pennies myself, and you still owe me $20 from last week. And mom and your friend Ron said you borrowed money from them this past week. [Oh, yeah.] How ARE things going anyway?

Ron: Well, not very well. To be honest, I'm really in the hole, and I can't seem to make ends meet these days.

Nancy: What do you mean? I thought you landed a great job recently, so you must be loaded.

Ron: Well, I do have a job, but I've used my credit cards to pay off a lot of things recently, but now, I can't seem to pay the money off.

Nancy: Uh, do you have a budget? I mean, how do you keep track of your income and expenses?

Ron: Well, when my money runs out, I come to you. Of course. [Great!] No, but I guess I should have some financial plan.

Nancy: Well, let me see if I can help you. How much money do you spend on your apartment?

问题很多,不过完全改正就没法睡觉了, could should help pinching expenses financial credit,重读 语气 断句。


AOI 发表于 2011-10-27 06:36:06
this past (不是pash)week

i'm really in the HOLE (不是HOME) 结尾音不要随便加

make ends MEET(不是miss)

credit card(不是cree card)

income听起来像 in chrome, co是轻轻的"可"的音不要加重音

runs不是rus, 这个时候是需要尾音鼻音N的


你的cash, loaded和off这三个词都读得非常美式了,很不错, 看来是认真练习了,语调也很自然只是个别字咬得过重, 很不错的作业9/10

"could should help pinching expenses financial credit,重读 语气 断句" 这是你自己听出来的囖? 呵呵 内置自检系统也很完善, 的确是应该自己每次录完听听看的, 很好的习惯{:soso_e179:}
AOI 发表于 2011-10-27 08:24:05
昨天是小奈JAMES12点了帮我听的,但一时半会儿改不过来,我改个东西老是需要花个几个月,呵,毕竟年纪大了。谢谢AOI大人,lash week pash week还是专门练的读法呢,看来错了。l这个音真的好难改啊,半年前你要听,哪个词我都发不出l的音来。very well我也在晚枫的班里练了几个月呢。
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