





[上课文本录音] Aoi老师 突破口语 第21课

发布者: AOI | 发布时间: 2011-10-31 12:30| 查看数: 3583| 评论数: 4|

本帖最后由 AOI 于 2011-10-31 14:17 编辑

Part II

Nancy: And entertainment?

Ron: Well, I spend a few dollars here and there on basketball and movie tickets, a concert or two, and ballroom dance lessons.

Nancy: Uh, exactly how much do you spend on all of these? Just a "few" dollars?

Ron: Well, oh . . . about $400 or so.

Nancy: Or so? No wonder you're having money problems. You can't just blow your money on things like that! And what about transportation?

Ron: Oh, I commute to work everyday in my new sports car, but I got a great deal, and my monthly payments are only $450. Come outside and take a look. We can go for a spin!

Nancy: No, I've heard enough. You've got to curb your spending, or you'll end up broke. I suggest you get rid of your credit cards, cut back on your entertainment expenses, and sell your car. Take public transportation from now on.

Ron: Sell my car?! I can't date without a car. What am I going to say? "Uh, could you meet me downtown at the bus stop at 7:00?" Come on!

Nancy: And you need to create a budget for yourself and stick to it, and start with paying off your bills, starting with me. You owe me $50 dollars.

Ron: Fifty dollars! Wait, I only borrowed $20 from you last week. How did you come up with $50?

Nancy: Financial consulting fees. My advice is at least worth $30!

Ed: Hey Rocky! You've been sitting around all night. Get out and dance with someone like that woman over there.

Rocky: No way! She looks like the intellectual type.

Ed: Oh come on man! What kind of woman do you like?

Rocky: I want a woman who's affectionate and fulfills my every need, and that woman over there is just not the right type.

Ed: Hey. Where have you been? Times are changing, and you're never going to find a woman who will shine your shoes and pick up after you all the time. Wake up.

Rocky: Oh really? I meet a lot of women like that, but not at this party. [Oh.] I also prefer a woman who'll stay home, cook, clean, and watch the kids.

Ed: Okay, but what are your household responsibilities once you get home from work?

Rocky: Hmm. Eat, watch TV, and throw out the garbage.

Ed: Wait, wait, wait. I can't believe I'm hearing this. In fact, you're never going to get married. I recently read a news report that said 40 percent of women don't think their husbands do their share around the house, and you seem to be that type.

Rocky: Well, that's the way I am, but what's YOUR idea of the perfect woman?

Ed: Well, I like a woman who's outgoing, caring, and non-judgmental about people's differences, and it bothers me when people think their the center of the universe . . . like someone I know.

Rocky: Well, that's nice for you, but that doesn't change my point of view. I guess I'll have to go home to a TV dinner and my dog, Rusty.

Ed: Hey, and if I stick with you, this is going to be a long, lonely night. Say hello to Rusty for me.


Key Vocabulary [Top]

intellectual(adjective): smart, highly educated

- My brother didn't enjoy his date because the woman only talked about politics, science, and art. She was just too intellectual for his tastes.

fulfill(verb): make happy or satisfy a need

- This house fulfills our current needs of our growing family.

non-judgmental(adjective): not judging or criticizing

- Dad. I hope you will maintain a non-judgmental attitude when you meet my boyfriend. I has long hair and pierced nose, but he is warm and caring.

stick with(verb): remain with someone or something, continue to do

- Stick with me, and you won't get lost.

- You need to stick with your studies to get good grades.


gaoyx 发表于 2011-11-1 11:46:57
我很快乐 发表于 2011-11-19 10:18:38

eks 发表于 2011-11-21 04:50:44
abbyang 发表于 2011-12-2 09:14:33
thank you! the teacher is so uvie
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