






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-3 17:14| 查看数: 1004| 评论数: 0|

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Xiong Di, 22, a junior in management at Beijing Union University understands a soldier`s thirst for the battlefield. This veteran World of Warcraft (WoW) gamer used to stay in the game for more than four hours a day. Now, with the Mainland`s server halted for administration`s reapproval since June 7, Xiong and the 5 million other WoWers find themselves in a vacuum, a boring, empty void.


"The game was like a meal or sleep - something you need every day," said Xiong. "Now I don`t know how to kill time."Last week, Netease appeared ready to provide WoW service to the mainland, but gamers see no sign of a reopening.


Xiong is part of an army of 11 million WoWers worldwide, almost the same population as a major city like Beijing. He doesn`t even want to consider the possibility of the game coming to an end one day. "Can you imagine 5 million people hanging around online with nothing at all to do?" Xiong asked rhetorically. "I think it`s going to be a social problem."


The implications of that were illustrated by the recent "Jia Junpeng post", in which an imaginative WoW gamer became famous overnight as thousands of netizens in Baidu`s forum commented on his not being home for dinner. The post got more than 10 million clicks in a matter of days. The boredom and emptiness of a WoW-empty world was one of the reasons for this. Xiong thinks that the gamers need something to get their attention, anything.


To remove those hours of boredom, he came up with another distraction: an internship at a consulting company. With a daily schedule and a lot interaction with people from all over, Xiong sees his dependence on the game fading.


Distractions are being widely sought by WoWers to ease their pangs of longing. Some, however, distract themselves by indulging their addiction.


Chen Rui, 24, who works for an Wuhan trading company, turned to a private server for relief. It differs from the official server where you spend a large amount of time advancing the character. With a private server, and a cheat program plugged into the game, character advances come quickly and players develop brilliant skills that are rare in the normal game.

陈锐,24岁,就职于武汉一家贸易公司,通过私服来寻求安慰。私服不同于官方服务器, 在官方服务器中,你必须花大量的时间来提高人物实力;而在私服里,通过游戏外挂,游戏角色升级更快,玩家也更容易得到在官方游戏里难以得到的技能。

But Chen doesn`t think much of this game. "I just want to have the feeling that I`m still in the game, I don`t even enjoy the private server," he said. Playing a character with a private server is like talking to a picture when you`re lonely, "kind of like anesthetizing yourself".


Some gamers worry about the long-lasting game world just disappearing because of a financial crisis or hacker attack: the psychological problems, not to mention the loss of zillions of virtual dollars. But according to Liu Wankun, of Netease`s game department, the anesthetized era will soon come to an end.


When the Star Wars movie series in the US came to an end, it was accompanied by PC games, toys, and everything else, even an annual festival for fans. A similar situation might apply here with a WoW-themed movie, reportedly on its way.


"In the near future, there will be another problem with WoWers: people watching the movie over and over again and decorating their homes in WoW themes," is Liu`s bleak assessment.



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