






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2009-8-11 08:59| 查看数: 2140| 评论数: 1|

1. I love you for you.我真心爱你。

2. I am a man of heart我是一个有心人。

3. words aren’t enough to say how much I love you语言难以表达我对你的爱有多深。

4. eat more and smoke less.多吃点,少抽点。

5. Excuse the mess, please.我这里很乱,请原谅。

6. 玛莉把手杖戳进了地里. Mary jabbed his stick into the ground.

7. 如果你持续那样急促面不清楚的说话,那我可听不懂你在说些什么

I can’t understand you if you keep jabbering(away)like that.

8. 我点燃一支烟,冷静下来。I lit a cigarette to calm my nerves.

9. 街道上挤满了人群,什么车辆也无法通过.

The crowds jammed the streets, and no cars could pass.

10. 那一跤震动了大卫每根骨头.The fall jarred every bone in David’s body

11. 飞机飞行偏离了航线。

The plane flew off the course.

12. 杰克对所有这些现代观念都抱有相当偏颇的看法.

Jack has rather jaundiced opinions about all these modern ideas.

13. 乔治唯恐失去他的财产.

George is jealous of his possessions

14. 我被伤的不清。 I was deeply hurt.

15. 雪后后的盖着大地。 Snow lay thick on the ground. 16. 天冷的刺骨。 It was bitterly old.

17. 这狗小心的看守着它的骨头. The dog jealously guarded its bone.

18. 他把她杀了,然后拖到了灌木丛中。 After he had killed her, and dragged her into the bushes..

19. 桑迪乘吉普车越过沙漠. Sandy crosses the desert by jeep

20. 你是我心中的白雪公主 You cover every inch of my heart.

21. 你这个傻子! What a fool you are !

22. 如果你对老板没有礼貌,就可能危及到你成功的机会. If you are rude to the boss, it may jeopardize your chances of success.

23. 我的头疼的厉害。 I had a big headache.

24. 这的景点把游人带入了美的境界。 The spot captures the imagination of travelers.

25. 把毛巾用冷水浸湿,缚在伤口处。 Moisten the tower with cold water and apply it to the wound.

26. 那辆旧公共车晃动了几下就停住了. The old bus jerked to a stop

27. 我喜欢听相声。 Cross talk appeals to me.

28. 玛丽总是拿她对他的感情来开玩笑. Mary always jests about her feelings towards him.

29. 你敢吗? Don’t you dare?

30. 小心端那个杯子,别摇晃它,不然你会把茶洒出来. Carry the cup carefully and don’t jiggle it , or you’ll spill the tea.

31. 爱使世界运转。 Love makes the world go around..

32. 我们队好像有不吉利的东西,因为我们总是输. There seems to be a jinx on our team, because we always lose.

33. LISA在一家银行里有一个好职位. Lisa has a good job in a bank

34. 苏被关进监狱. Sue’s in prison

35. 请在表格里填上姓名年龄和职业. Please state your name, age, and occupation on the form.

36. 我喜欢你。 I fell in like with you.

37. 杰克20年前当选为参议员之后,就开始了他的政治生?

His political career began when Jack was elected to the Senate 20 years ago.

38. 我忍不住了。 It was more than I could bear.

39. 你心目中的白马王子是什么样子的? What’s your ideal man like?

40. 柠檬水是我的最爱。 Lemonade is my favorite..

41. 把这根管子和那根接起来. Join this pipe to the other one.

42. 可别在宗教上跟他们开玩笑. Don’t joke with them about religion.

43. 他们怂恿她跟他们一起去 They urged her to go with them.

44. 她愤怒的话语使他以为她爱他的信心动摇了. Her angry words jolted him out of the belief that Mary loved him.

45. 他很有乐感。 He is very musical.

46. 他很快的跑回宿舍。. He ran to dorm at a fantastic speed.

47. 接上电源,看看这个收音机现在响不响. Turn on the juice and let’s see if this radio works now.

48. 我要知道其中有味道的详情. I want all the juicy details.

49. 从绝望之山上砍下来一块希望之石。 Hew out of mountain of despair a stone of hope.

50. 我知道就要发生什么事,我心惊肉跳得厉害. I knew that something was going to happen, and I was very jumpy.

51. 雨下得很大。 It’s raining cats and dogs.

52. 这裙子刚刚盖过我的膝盖 The skirt comes just below my knees.

53. 墙在这里向外伸出,留出了建烟囱的地方. The wall juts out here to allow room for the chimney.

54. 夕阳西下时,天空的颜色千变万化. At sunset the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors

55. 那船在风暴中倾覆了. The ship keeled over in the storm

56. 玛莉为他保守了15年秘密. Mary kept his secret for 15 years.

57. 把你花的钱记个账 Keep an account of what you spend.

58. 我知道你忙,我不会耽误你. I know you’re busy; I won’t keep you

59. 玛丽把这件事的大部分都向我们讲了,但有关她父母那一部分没有说.

Mary told us most of the story but kept back the part about her parents


习惯 发表于 2009-8-12 02:30:40
哇,很多啊! 谢谢katy![1_15]

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