






发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2011-11-21 12:10| 查看数: 1243| 评论数: 2|

U4999P42DT20111121092140.jpg 三分之二英国人完全不会讲外语

  Two-thirds of Britons cannot say anything in a foreign language – with one fifth even unsure of what "bonjour" means, a study claims.

  Overall, 64 per cent of those polled admitted they did not know a single word in any language other than English.

  And just one third – 34 per cent – said they were willing to make an attempt at speaking a foreign language while on holiday.

  One fifth (19 per cent) did not know the meaning of the French word for hello, one of the most recognisable foreign greetings in the world.

  And 63 per cent had no idea what the Dutch word "goedemorgen" meant, despite the obvious similarities to our own "good morning".

  Young Britons were found to be worst at making the effort, with nearly half – 47 per cent – of those aged 16 to 24 admitting they have never spoken the foreign language they learned at school.

  But 45 per cent of the over-55s said they liked to try to speak the local language when abroad, the poll of 2,000 adults by travel website Hotels.com found.

  It is compulsory for all pupils to study a foreign language up to the age of 14 and French, German and Spanish are all on the national curriculum.

  Yet only one in ten of those polled considered themselves able to speak one of them.

  Of these, a quarter could ask only "everyday questions", 21 per cent said they were limited to "hello" and "goodbye", and one in 50 claimed they could understand everything said to them in another language, but were unable to reply.

  Reasons for not trying to speak a local language included not being bothered, fear of making a mistake or expecting hosts to be able to speak English.





  还有63%的人不知道荷兰语中的“goedemorgen”是什么意思,尽管这个单词和英语中的“good morning”有如此明显的相似之处。








Judyy 发表于 2011-11-22 18:56:50
It is compulsory for all pupils to study a foreign language up to the age of 14 and French, German and Spanish are all on the national curriculum.
2941884 发表于 2011-11-26 19:09:21
aren`t there too many foreign language to study well?

or are there too many foreign language to study well?

i view it as not good curriculum arangement for pupils.

why can`t arange one foreign language course which related to them to learn?
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