






发布者: coolingearth | 发布时间: 2009-8-13 06:33| 查看数: 1273| 评论数: 0|


al fresco (63) 63 June 30, 2009

alopecia (75) 75 July 12, 2009

aplomb (47) 47 June 14, 2009

arcane (82) 82 July 19, 2009

assay (90) 90 July 27, 2009

a volley of (34) 34 June 1, 2009

balk (88) 88 July 25, 2009

battering (39) 39 June 6, 2009

bristle (85) 85 July 22, 2009

bumper-to-bumper (73) 73 July 10, 2009

bums on seats (95) 95 August 1, 2009

caesarean section (19) 19 May 17, 2009

can't half (46) 46 June 13, 2009

Cassandra (13) 13 May 11, 2009

catapult (32) 32 May 30, 2009

clubbing (55) 55 June 22, 2009

cocktail (17) 17 May 15, 2009

complication (48) 48 June 15, 2009

damper (92) 92 July 29, 2009

descale (72) 72 July 9, 2009

dispense with (93) 93 July 30, 2009

ditch (9) 9 May 7, 2009

doe-eyed (74) 74 July 11, 2009

draconian (56) 56 June 23, 2009

drum up (18) 18 May 16, 2009

equestrian (7) 7 May 5, 2009

ethos (51) 51 June 18, 2009

expletive (76) 76 July 13, 2009

fag-end (49) 49 June 16, 2009

foray (71) 71 July 8, 2009

graft (54) 54 June 21, 2009

grotesque (45) 45 June 12, 2009

hear the cogs turning (5) 5 May 3, 2009

hone (26) 26 May 24, 2009

hubristic (57) 57 June 24, 2009

imponderable (81) 81 July 18, 2009

incumbent (89) 89 July 26, 2009

in place (1) 1 April 30, 2009

jacquard (70) 70 July 7, 2009

junket (53) 53 June 20, 2009

lead the charge (2) 2 April 30, 2009

lick (25) 25 May 23, 2009

like-for-like (42) 42 June 9, 2009

loophole (27) 27 May 25, 2009

make a hash of (84) 84 July 21, 2009

nemesis (79) 79 July 16, 2009

no-brainer (62) 62 June 29, 2009

once bitten, twice shy (15) 15 May 13, 2009

ornithology (30) 30 May 28, 2009

out of the blue (22) 22 May 20, 2009

outstrip (100) 100 August 6, 2009

pent-up (99) 99 August 5, 2009

penultimate (10) 10 May 8, 2009

phalanx (37) 37 June 4, 2009

phase out (20) 20 May 18, 2009

phlebotomist (14) 14 May 12, 2009

piggy bank (98) 98 August 4, 2009

premises (4) 4 May 2, 2009

prenup (68) 68 July 5, 2009

proceeds (52) 52 June 19, 2009

promiscuous (61) 61 June 28, 2009

prosthetic (33) 33 May 31, 2009

pundit (50) 50 June 17, 2009

put a shine on (3) 3 May 1, 2009

put the kibosh on (65) 65 July 2, 2009

rain check (31) 31 May 29, 2009

resounding (97) 97 August 3, 2009

RIP (59) 59 June 26, 2009

rout (41) 41 June 8, 2009

row (28) 28 May 26, 2009

sanguine (11) 11 May 9, 2009

scupper (23) 23 May 21, 2009

shambles (96) 96 August 2, 2009

sideline (35) 35 June 2, 2009

sidestep (83) 83 July 20, 2009

slick (38) 38 June 5, 2009

spate (44) 44 June 11, 2009

spelling bee (60) 60 June 27, 2009

squeamish (77) 77 July 14, 2009

staging post (80) 80 July 17, 2009

stall (40) 40 June 7, 2009

succumb (24) 24 May 22, 2009

sweltering (64) 64 July 1, 2009

swine (6) 6 May 4, 2009

take with a pinch of salt (16) 16 May 14, 2009

to boot (66) 66 July 3, 2009

toe the line (29) 29 May 27, 2009

toothless (94) 94 July 31, 2009

triplicate (69) 69 July 6, 2009

unfazed (86) 86 July 23, 2009

upshot (87) 87 July 24, 2009

veritable (58) 58 June 25, 2009

vet (36) 36 June 3, 2009

vicissitude (67) 67 July 4, 2009

watchdog (12) 12 May 10, 2009

Web 2.0 (43) 43 June 10, 2009

what’s the catch (8) 8 May 6, 2009

whittle down (91) 91 July 28, 2009

Zeitgeist (21) 21 May 19, 2009

Zimmer frame (78) 78 July 15, 2009


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