






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-25 16:16| 查看数: 963| 评论数: 0|


  NASA’s Mar rover Opportunity arrived at the Endeavour crater this summer - a source of clay-like rocks which could show the area had been habitable.   这个夏天,美国宇航局的火星探测器机遇号抵达“奋进”撞击坑,这里是火星粘土状岩石的来源处,显示出这片区域曾适于居住。   The 13-mile drive from Victoria crater had taken three years. But the tiny craft had been documenting its progress, step by step.   从维多利亚陨石坑开始的13英里的路程已经走了3年,但是这个微小的太空船一步一步的记录着它的前行。   The rover team took an image each Martian day when the rover travelled. The video compiles these 309 images - along with 'sound' from the planet.   探测器在火星旅行是,小组成员每天都为火星拍摄一张照片。这段视频将这309张图片汇编在一起,还伴随这这个星球的“声音”。   The video shows the rim of the Endeavour crater becoming visible as the Rover neared its goal - but the drive did include detours, as Opportunity had to drive round large expanses of treacherous terrain.   视频显示,随着探测器越来越接近其目标,“奋进”撞击坑的边缘变得越来越清晰可见。但是这段路程也包括绕路,机遇号不得不绕开大范围的危险地形。   There's also a soundtrack recorded by the Rover - although don't expect to hear the sounds of Martian wind. The team recorded data from the Opportunity's accelerometers, and sped up the low-frequency noise 1,000 times. The result is best described as a sort of grinding noise.   探测器同时记录了声迹,尽管我们无法指望能听到火星上风的声音。队员从机遇号加速器收录数据,将低频噪声加快速度1000倍,然而结果对这种声音最好的描述是:这是一种轧轧声。   'The sound represents the vibrations of the rover while moving on the surface of Mars,' said Paolo Bellutta, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, who coordinated production of the video. 'When the sound is louder, the rover was moving on bedrock. When the sound is softer, the rover was moving on sand.'   位于帕萨迪纳市的美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的、协调制作这个视频的Paolo Bellutta说:“这些声音显示出当探测器在火星上移动时的振动。声音较大的时候,探测器正在基岩上移动;而探测器在沙地上移动时,声音就会较小。”   Opportunity and its rover twin, Spirit, completed their three-month prime missions on Mars in April 2004. Both have made important discoveries about wet environments on ancient Mars that may have been favorable for supporting microbial life.   机遇号和其双胞胎勇气号与2004年4月完成了他们在火星上三个月的主要任务。两部探测器都有一些重要发现,古老的火星有湿润的环境,很可能曾对供养微生物发展法场有利。   Spirit stopped communicating in 2010. Opportunity continues its work at Endeavour.   勇气号已在2010年停止和地球交流,机遇号则在“奋进”撞击坑继续工作。   NASA will launch the next-generation Mars rover - the car-size Curiosity, this autumn, for arrival at Mars' Gale crater in August 2012.



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