






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-25 16:25| 查看数: 994| 评论数: 0|


  CBS News accidentally reported that Apple CEO Steve Jobs had died post on Twitter.com today.   哥伦比亚广播公司新闻网今日意外报道,苹果首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯已经去世,这则新闻张贴在Twitter.com上。   An account tied to the U.S. network's web series What's Trending, hosted by Shira Lazar, sparked an internet firestorm with a post reading: 'Reports say that Steve Jobs has passed away. Stay tuned for more updates'.   一个由希拉·拉撒尔主持的与美国广播网What's Trending系列相关联的账户发起了一场互联网风暴,一则新闻被贴出:“据报道,史蒂夫·乔布斯已经去世,请静候更多最新情况。”   The item was pulled almost immediately but the text can still be viewed on the website, because so many people retweeted it.   这条新闻几乎立即就被删掉了,但文本仍能在网上看见,因为太多的人在念叨着它。   Moments after the gaffe, an apology appeared. 'Reports of Steve Job's (sic) death completely unconfirmed,' it read. Ms Lazar, who is also the show's executive producer, followed with an apology. 'On behalf of all of us at @disruptgroup we sincerely apologize for the inaccuracy that was tweeted earlier today.-EP/ Host @WhatsTrending.'   道歉出现在失误后不久。它写道:“对史蒂夫·乔布斯去世的报道完全未经证实。”执行制作人拉撒尔小姐接着也进行了道歉。“我代表disruptgroup所有成员对今天早上推特上发表的的不实内容道歉。——WhatsTrending执行制作人/主持人。”   The cryptic post has fuelled speculation as to the state of Jobs' health; the Apple CEO stepped down from the company he founded in his garage in 1976 on August 24,   这一神秘的新闻刺激了大众对乔布斯健康状况的推测。2011年8月24日,苹果CEO卸任于1976他在车库中建立的公司。   He was seen for the first time since his departure in August, his frame looking so incredibly frail it fuelled fears that he was nearing the end in his eight-year battle with the pancreatic cancer.   自8月他离开后,第一次有人看见他时,他看起来非常虚弱,这使得人们害怕他已在与胰腺癌抗争的八年中走到生命尽头。   Jobs made no direct reference to his health problems in his letter of resignation to the Apple board. He wrote only that he had always said he would step down as CEO if he felt he could no longer do the job to his high standards.   乔布斯对苹果董事会的辞职信中没有直接提到他的健康问题。他只是写道,他一直都在说,如果他觉得无法在工作中达到他认为的高标准时,他会卸任苹果CEO一职。   Jobs had surgery to remove a tumour after being diagnosed with a rare type of pancreatic cancer in 2003 and had a liver transplant two years ago in a further attempt to prevent the spread of the disease.   在诊断出患一种稀有类型的胰腺癌后,乔布斯在2003年已通过手术切除一个肿瘤,2年前进行了肝脏移植,防止癌细胞进一步扩散。   He went on medical leave in January, but still introduced the second generation iPad a couple of months later and has led the development of the iPhone 5 and iPad3.   他在1月请了病假,但两三个月之后仍在介绍第二代iPad,领导iPhone 5及iPad3的发展。   On the day Job's announced his resignation, Apple board member Art Levinson, chairman of Genentech, issued the following statement on behalf of the Apple board: “Steve's extraordinary vision and leadership saved Apple and guided it to its position as the world's most innovative and valuable technology company. Steve has made countless contributions to Apple's success, and he has attracted and inspired Apple's immensely creative employees and world class executive team.”



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