






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-25 16:28| 查看数: 1376| 评论数: 0|


  From detailed solar flares to an amazing image of Jupiter and two of its moons, this tour of our solar system has been captured by an amateur British astronomer in his back garden.   在一位英国天文爱好者的后花园中,他捕捉到了到了太阳的耀斑,美丽的土星照片以及它的两颗卫星。   Damian Peach, an electronic engineer from Selsey, West Sussex, has spent the last ten years documenting the changing face of our solar system.   来系西萨塞克斯郡的电子工程师,达米恩·皮迟,花了十年的时间记录太阳系的变化。   So much so that in 2010, he became the only Briton to win the prestigious Astronomy Photographer Of The Year Award for his composite photograph of Jupiter's moons, Ganymede and Io, orbiting the stormy surface of the gas giant.   在2010年,凭借他关于木星及其卫星的照片,他成为了唯一一个获得天文摄影奖的英国人。   Mr Peach said: 'It's just fantastic that it's possible to do something like this from your own back garden.   皮迟先生说,“这太棒了,在我们家的后花园里也可以做这样的事情。”   'This has been made possible by recent leaps in technology. These days surprisingly good results are possible with small telescopes and low cost webcams.   “这都得益于最近科技的进步。这么好的拍摄效果都是因为现在小型的望远镜和低成本的网路摄像机。”   Since becoming interested in astronomy a decade ago, Mr Peach now dedicates his free time to observing the planets.   自从大约10年前开始对天文感兴趣,皮迟先生现在的业余时间都用来观测天体及其他星球。   He said: 'The planets have dynamic changing weather patterns much as Earth does, though in most cases on a far more dramatic and grand scale.   他说,“像地球一样,那些星球有自己的可以改变的天气形式,尽管在某些情况下异常宏伟,范围异常广大。”   'With Jupiter, you are seeing a world of gas littered with storms of almost every shape and size. The clouds are in constant motion and changes are easily visible from day-to-day.   “就拿木星来说吧,你所看到的木星正在被各种各样的暴风环绕。每一天,周围的云层都在快速的改变。”   'The colours you see in the images are real, and very close to how the planets would appear could you go there and visit the them.'   “你在图片中看到的颜色都是真实的。越接近那个星球,你就会越想去那里看看。”   Mr Peach's home kit includes a 356mm reflecting telescope manufactured by Celestron USA, with a high-speed video camera called a Flea3.   皮迟先生的家有一个356mm美国星特朗的望远镜,还有一个叫做Flea3的高速摄像机。   Having this relatively low-cost technology available to anyone means that a network of hobbyist astronomers across Britain are constantly observing the night sky and sharing their findings.   拥有这些价格相对低廉的设备意味着其实英国的每一位天文爱好者都能观测夜空,分享他们的发现。   'I am part of a larger group of astronomers involved in longer term study,' Mr Peach said.   “我只是他们当中的一员,”皮迟先生说。   'Detailed reports of activity are produced by organisations such as the British Astronomical Association. Our observing programs and goals have been, and continue to be, very successful.'



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