





钞票折纸的艺术 独特的讽刺

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-25 17:20| 查看数: 1068| 评论数: 0|


  They say money talks. It can be a means to an end when nothing else works and you want to ensure you get your way.   大家都说有钱能使鬼推磨。钱其实能帮助你完成不能完成的工作,或者保证你的到你想得到的。   But American Dan Tague has taken the saying literally and has spent hours folding dollar bills as many as 100 times until it spells out an unexpected phrase.   但是美国人丹·泰格将钱文艺化,他花费数小时折叠美元超过100次,知道钱币上能显示出令人意外的短语。   Using various denominations, the money is spells out what is happening in America and society today.   通过不同的方法,钱能告诉你在美国和当今社会正在发生什么。   Freedom Land: Dan Tague uses money to express his thoughts on America and society   自由之土:丹·泰格用钱表达他对美国和当前社会的看法。   Some of his phrases include 'We Need a Revolution', 'Trust No One', 'Reality Sucks' and 'I Am Free'.   一些他折出来的短语包括“我们需要变革”,“别信任任何人”,“差劲的现实”,和“我自由了”。   The New Orleans-based artist then photographs his 'origami currency' on a black background and prints the pictures in a large format.   一位新奥尔良的艺术家在一张黑色的背景上拍摄了他折叠后的钱币的照片并将其放大打印出来。   His work will be on display at the International Contemporary Arts festival Prospect 2. in New Orleans this October.   他的作品将在10月份新奥尔良的国际当代艺术展上展出。   United We Stand: Dan is well-known for his dollar bill works which he uses to make a statement   我们矗立的国度:丹是因为他在钱币上折出话语而著名的。   Reality Sucks, left and The End Is Near, right. Each bill can be folded up to 100 times to get the desired message   左边的是差劲的现实,右边的是终点在即。每一张钱币都被折了100次已得到最后的信息。   The Heat Is On: Perhaps Dan is referring to the current economic climate and the recent talk of a global recession   热度不减:可能丹暗示的是现在的经济状况和最近全球经济衰退的近况。   Lest We Forget: War is also a strong topic among the 'origami currency'   我们难以忘记的:战争是这里面的非常有力的话题。   The American Idol - perhaps a certain TV show was the inspiration for this creation and, right, Nothing To Fear   美国偶像,这大概是以美国流行的娱乐节目为灵感创作的,右边的是无所畏惧。   Love And Hate: The work will be on display at an upcoming art exhibition in New Orleans in October



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