






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-26 16:13| 查看数: 1084| 评论数: 0|


  Men trying to give up cigarettes now have a more immediate reason to quit - it can affect them in the bedroom.   那些试图摆脱香烟的男士们现在有了更好的理由必须要这么做了,因为吸烟似乎对两性关系更有好处。   Researchers found men who successfully stopped smoking saw greater improvements in sexual health compared to those who relapsed following a quit-smoking programme.   研究人员发现,那些成功戒烟的人士和戒烟之后复吸的人相比,他们在两性健康方面有了很大的进步。   Study author Christopher Harte from the VA Boston Healthcare System said the findings may provide a timely nudge for male smokers.   研究主管,来自波士顿医疗保健系统的克里斯特福·哈特说这个发现对于男士戒烟者来说,是一个非常好的推动。   He said: 'With younger men, the risks of smoking in that population appear more far off. They think, "I don't really need to worry about this until much farther down the road."   他说,“对于年轻人来说,似乎抽烟的危害离他们更远。他们认为,这件事情离我很遥远,我没什么必要去担心。”   Harte and co-author Cindy Meston from the University of Texas at Austin enrolled 65 men without self-reported impotence in an eight-week quit smoking program using nicotine patches.   哈特和来自奥斯丁得克萨斯大学辛迪·曼斯顿选取了65名没有卷数阳痿的男士加入这个为期8周的运用尼古丁贴片戒烟的项目中。   Before treatment, halfway through and a few weeks after, they brought the men into a locked lab and showed them a racy film.   在这个治疗之前,治疗中途和完成治疗后的几周里,研究人员领着这些人走进一个锁着的实验室并给他们展示了别具特色的电影。   By the end of the study, 20 men had not lit up in at least a week, while 45 men were still smoking.   在研究结束的时候,20个男士至少一星期都没有吸烟,但是有45个人仍旧在吸烟。   Quitters experienced greater sexual arousal and became excited more quickly compared to non-quitters.   那些退出的人,感受到了更强烈的性冲动,并且相对于那些没有退出的人来说,变得更容易激动。   'It might take longer for men to actually notice their level of difference subjectively outside of the lab, which is also dependent on their relationship with their sexual partner,' Harte said.   哈特说,“对于男性来说,确实需要花更长的时间才能注意到他们的水平的提高,但是这个也要依赖他们和性伴侣的关系。”   While smoking has been linked to a host of other health problems such as cancer and heart disease, the researchers said their finding is a new angle for doctors to use with men who are still reluctant to try quitting.   但是吸烟已经被认为是一些健康问题例如癌症和心脏病的导火索,研究人员说他们的发现将会为医生劝解那些不愿意戒烟的人提供了更好的理由。   Previous research has shown that long-term smokers are up to twice as likely to have impotence as non-smokers.   以前的研究表明,长期吸烟者患阳痿的概率是不吸烟者的两倍。   'The take-home point is that even men who don't have a clinical diagnosis of (erectile dysfunction) ... may still benefit from quitting smoking,' he added.



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