





科学家研发蛛丝皮肤 人人都成蜘蛛侠

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-26 16:21| 查看数: 1076| 评论数: 0|


  What started as a work of art and science fiction may become a medical miracle that benefits burn patients, aids bone regeneration and one day may even make us bulletproof.   在科技小说或艺术作品中可以治疗烧伤病人,帮助骨头痊愈甚至可以防弹的医学奇迹即将变为现实。   Dutch artist Jalila Essa?di and cell biologist Abdoelwaheb El Ghalbzouri blended synthetic spider silk with human skin to produce a superstrong material that can stop a rifle bullet shot at half its regular speed.   荷兰的艺术家加里拉·埃塞迪和细胞生物学家阿波德尔瓦赫比·高尔波泽瑞将蜘蛛丝和人类皮肤合成在一起,制作了一种具有超级人性的可以以恒速的一半组织步枪的射击。   Time to move over Kevlar? Not quite yet, but the new weave could turn out to have various medical uses.   到了淘汰纤维B的时候么?其实并不是,但是新的材料可以有更多的医学用途。   Essa?di's original art work is a lab sample of skin tissue stored in a refrigerator and accompanied by a video showing a gunshot test on the material.   埃迪赛最初的工作原型是一片储存在实验室冰箱中的皮肤组织,并且还有非常详细的以它为材料进行的枪击实验的视频说明。   The special skin will soon become part of Belgian art collector Geert Verbeke's unusual portfolio: he plans to graft part of the artist's creation into his arm later this year.   这特殊的皮肤很快就成为比利时的收集家吉特·维比克的特殊收藏品。他计划今年晚些时候,移植部分艺术家的创意到他的手臂中。   ‘It connects nature, science and art. If I put the art that Jalila has made on my arm, then I will always have it with me,’ said Verbeke, who has a particular interest in marrying arts and life sciences.   “科学和艺术,他们都和自然相连。如果我能把加里拉所谓的艺术加入到我的手臂中,那么它就会一直存在。”这位对结婚艺术和生命科学有着特殊兴趣的维比克先生这样说到。   However, such grafted skin is still far from being truly bulletproof.   但是,这样嫁接的皮肤距离防弹这个目标还很遥远。   El Ghalbzouri said that spider silk is three times stronger than Kevlar, which is used in bulletproof vests worn by the military and others in conflict zones. Since bulletproof vests are made from 33 layers of Kevlar, using more layers of spider silk could prove more effective in stopping a bullet, he said.   高尔波泽瑞说蜘蛛丝要比现在用于防弹背心的纤维B强韧三倍有余。既然防弹背心是用33层纤维B做成的,那么要是用更多层的蜘蛛丝制作防弹背心,那样防弹的作用就会大大提高了。   He and Essa?di see more potential for the blended skin and silk when it comes to developing skin grafts for burn patients.   当他和埃塞迪看到了给烧伤患者嫁接皮肤时,他们看到了将人类皮肤和蜘蛛丝结合起来从而生产一种新品种的巨大潜力。   ‘This skin is much stronger and tougher than regular skin ... you can also make much larger pieces of skin this way,’ the artist told Reuters. ‘The layers of spider silk embedded in the skin allow the cultivation of larger sheets of tissue which literally outgrow their petri dishes.’   “这样的皮肤比之前的更有韧性,甚至你还可以做更多的皮肤”,这位艺术家告诉路透社。“将这层蜘蛛丝嵌入人体皮肤能够培养更多的皮肤组织。”   ‘Next to skin, spider silk could be a very good scaffold for bone regeneration, cartilage, tendons, ligaments,’ he told Reuters, while other applications for the silk alone include surgical stitches, thanks to its strength and elasticity, as well as parachutes and parachute cords.



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