






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-26 16:34| 查看数: 911| 评论数: 0|


  A travel photographer captured this spectacular fire rainbow - a 'circumzenithal arc' - a phenomenon so rare he had to ask other experts what it was.   一位旅行摄影师拍摄到了壮观的着火了的彩虹奇观,这是罕见的“环天弧顶”现象。   The unusual sighting of the horizontal rainbow was captured by Ukranian snapper Anton Jankovoy - using a camera set up with a large aperture to 'soak up' as much light as possible. The rare phenomenon is created by light reflected from ice crystals in high-up cirrus clouds.   这个与众不同的彩虹石油乌克兰的小伙安顿·简克武用一个大口径的相机拍摄的。而这个罕见现象是由于在位置较高卷云中的冰晶反射闪电而产生的。   'You do see circumzenithal arcs in the UK but not to this strength of colour, ' says a Met Office spokesperson. 'Several have been seen this year in the UK. They are produced when either light from the sun or sunlight reflected by the moon passes through ice crystals in the atmosphere.'   “在英国你也许真的看到过这样的场景,但是绝没看到过这样鲜艳的颜色,”气象局的发言人说,“今年,在英国出现了几次这样的景象,他们的产生是由于大气层中月亮转过冰晶和太阳强光反射产生的。”   Mr Jankovoy said he came across the spectacular shot on a recent trip to Ghasa in Nepal. The 23-year-old travels across the world to capture his stunning shots from Mount Everest to remote areas of Ukraine.   简克武先生说这个景象是他在去尼泊尔的途中遇到的。这个23岁的小伙子,在全世界各地旅行,从珠穆朗玛峰到边远的乌克兰,仅仅是为了拍摄令人窒息的美景。   'But it was the first time I saw this phenomenon and I was completely astonished.'   “但是这确实是我第一次看到让我瞠目结舌的景象。”   Mr Jankovoy needed help identifying the bizarre atmospheric occurrence, which is formed when sunlight refracts off horizontal ice crystals in high-level cirrus clouds. The sun must be very high in the sky and it can not be seen at a latitude above 55degrees north (which includes Scotland and much of Canada) or below 55 degrees south.   简克武先生需要别人帮助他辨认这种只会产生于高层卷云的冰晶反射太阳光的奇异的天气现象。太阳必须高挂在高于北纬55度的地区,包括苏格兰和加拿大的大部分以及低于南纬55度的地区。   'It was a circumhorizontal arc - or as it is also called a 'Fire Rainbow'.'   “这种现象被称作环天弧顶,也被通俗的叫做着火的彩虹。”   Mr Jankovoy started taking photographs when he was nine years old and said he learnt to cultivate his skills when taking pictures in the mountains. He had always wanted to visit Nepal and made his first trip to the Himalayas four years ago.   简克武先生自从九岁的时候就开始摄影了,并且在山中照相的时候,他渐渐提高了自己的技能。他一直很想去尼泊尔并在四年前第一次去了喜马拉雅山。   The photographer, who is also interested in nature and eastern Philosophy, said he wanted to reveal the world anew as children saw it.   这位同样对大自然和东方哲学感兴趣的摄影师,说他希望能像孩子般的再次认识这个诗词。   He added: 'My only aspiration in a photography is to wake up in everybody the realisation of life.'



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