





职场法则 与其无私善良不如强势出击

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-11-27 16:57| 查看数: 965| 评论数: 0|


  It's not likely to win you any popularity contests, but it seems being selfish at work can be good for your career.   在任何流行性的比赛中获得胜利似乎是不可能的,但是在工作中稍稍的自私一下,对你的前途也许更有好处。   New research has found that those with more selfless, kind personalities were the most well-liked, but were simultaneously seen as less attractive candidates for leadership and were overlooked for promotion.   新的研究发现,那些无私的,善良的人似乎人见人爱,但是他们对于领导来说,太没有吸引力,获得晋升的可能性也非常小。   The study, from the Kellogg School of Management, Stanford Graduate School of Business and Carnegie Mellon University’s Tepper School of Business, aimed to discover the personality types we associate with leadership.   来自凯洛格管理学院,斯坦福大学商学院和卡内基·梅隆大学商学院的这项研究旨在发现到底什么样的人更能适合做领导。   In a series of three experiments, participants were placed into groups. Researchers then analysed their behaviour as they managed tokens representing money; how some chose to keep them, and others contributed them to a group pool.   在一系列的三个实验中,参与者被分到不同的组中。然后研究者研究分析了他们将代币看作是真的钱币时的行为,有的人选择自己拿那些代币,而有的人则将它们贡献给自己的团队。   The results showed that those with the kinder personalities were the most popular in the groups, but they were also considered weak or gullible.   实验的结果表明,那些心地善良的人都是团队中人缘最好的,同时也是最容易上当受骗的。   Those with more dominant and aggressive behaviour were seen as 'alpha' personalities.   那些更为主动更为上进的人则被认为具有领导才能。   Co-author Robert Livingston, of the Kellogg School, told Today.com: 'As humans we are wired to respond to dominance.'   凯洛格管理学院的罗伯特·利文斯顿告诉今日网站说,“身为人类,追寻领导地位是必须的。”   Dr Livingston believes that this tendency to associate aggression with leadership ' is an explanation on why we get corruption.   利文斯顿博士相信,这种把进取心和领导能力结合起来的趋势将会是贪污腐败问题的一种解释。   'People who are more likely to be moral, kind and pro-social are least likely to be elected to these leadership roles,' he said.   “那些很谦虚,善良的人们总是最不可能被选为领导人的”,他说。   'That increases the likelihood of corruption and malfeasance because we’ve got the wrong people in positions of leadership.'   “这样就会大大增加贪污和渎职问题,因为在领导位置上的人选并不正确。”   But Rob Kaplan, former vice chairman of Goldman Sachs and now a professor of management practice at Harvard Business School, disagrees with the concept.   但是,高盛集团的前副主席,现在在在哈佛商学院的教授管理实践的罗伯·卡普兰,却不同意这样的观点。   He explained that strong values and ideals were most likely to suggest leadership potential.   他解释后,具有良好的价值观和理想的人是最有潜能的领导型人才。   'I’m not saying you have to be a nice guy or a woman to be a CEO, but I think you have to have integrity, values, and work with people, cultivate people,' he said.



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