






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-6 16:35| 查看数: 1472| 评论数: 0|


  A giant lightsabre beams over London, Stormtroopers parade across New York's streets and Darth Vader is seen hailing a taxi.   一束巨大的激光光束照射在伦敦城,还有人们在车里看到了穿过纽约街道游行的暴风突击队和黑骑士。   It can mean only one thing - Star Wars is in town.   这说明了一件事情,星球大战正在城里“上演”。   Each of the movies have been extensively remastered for the high definition format, with 'Star Wars: The Complete Saga' hitting the streets today.   每一部电影都以高清形式重新录制了,还有星球大战的标语“完整的传奇今夜来袭。”   To mark the box set's launch, London's BT Tower fired a high-powered blue Jedi 'lightsabre' into the sky last night - in a move that looked set to annoy Lord Vader.   为了让那个三面墙式的布幕正常工作,昨夜,伦敦的电信塔向天空发射出了一道颜色鲜亮的蓝色激光,就如电影中那个会惹恼黑武士的一样。   The high-powered beam, installed by engineers for one (Jedi) night only, mimicked the blue lightsabre energy sword wielded by Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars film.   这束才被工程师安放好为了绝地武士那一晚的激光,是仿照第一部星球大战中绝地武士使用的激光剑完成的。   More than sixty 4,500W lights, standing 1.3m high and weighing 124kg, all combined to produce a solid beam of light that was visible all across the capital.   超过六十盏4500瓦的灯泡站立在一米三高的地方,总重量超过124公斤,所有这些被组合起来成就了这一束能在整个城市看到的实心激光灯束。   And in New York, three Jawas and a Stormtrooper were seen stopping traffic by crossing 42nd Street in another promotional stunt.   在纽约,三个爪哇人和一名帝国士兵以别样的噱头被路人看到横穿纽约第42大道。   It's perhaps a good thing Lucasfilm are going to all this effort, as there have already been multiple special editions, revised versions and box sets on both DVD and VHS.   对卢卡斯电影来说,进行各方面的努力是一件好事情,比如说他们已经有了多样化的出版版本,修订版的视频版本和家庭影院及DVD版。   Not only that, but 3D versions are due shortly at the cinema - and presumably 3D Blu-Rays will follow all too soon after that.   不仅如此,尽管3D模式在电影院短期后可能会到期,但是更先进的3D模式可能很快被引进。   The shaft of light only shone 200m into the air, so it was unlikely to attract the attention of passing aliens such as Darth Vader's Imperial fleet. In fact, it was so low that it wouldn't even be able to summon Batman.   这束光仅仅被射向了200米的高空,所以,它似乎不能吸引像黑武士这样的帝国舰队的注意。事实上,它的射程这样低甚至都无法召唤蝙蝠侠。   Plenty of other out-of-work actors and geeky fans dressed up as their favourite characters such as Chewbacca and Stormtroopers in attendance too.   很多失去工作的演员和令人讨厌的影迷都打扮成他们最喜欢的形象来吸引人的眼球,例如穿成楚巴卡和暴风突击队中的人物的样子。   Earlier this week, Darth Vader and a force of Stormtroopers marched through central London to 'face off' against the changing of the guard. No casualties were reported.



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