






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-13 15:50| 查看数: 1187| 评论数: 0|

Brett has just returned from a trip to Iceland. He’s filling his sister Helen in on the details.

  布雷特刚从冰岛旅行回来,正详细地给妹妹海伦讲旅途情况。 tc060208002.jpg   Helen:So, Frosty, how was your trip to the frozen north? Meet any other snowmen?   海伦:那么,雪人,你的北方极地之行怎么样?碰到其他雪人了吗?   Brett:That shows what you know. Iceland may be chilly, but it's one of the hottest places in Europe.   布雷特:一看你知道的就不多。冰岛是挺冷的,但它是欧洲最热的地区之一。   Helen:I have heard it’s become a popular tourist destination. Reykjavik is trendy with a lot of globetrotters nowadays.   海伦:我听说冰岛已经成为观光胜地了。雷克雅未克现在是很多环游世界者的新宠。   Brett: I'm not talking about its popularity. I'm talking about the ground temperature there. Iceland’s full of hot springs.   布雷特:我不是说冰岛有多受欢迎,我是在讲那里地面的温度。冰岛到处都是温泉。   Helen:Hot springs in Iceland? What are they like?   海伦:冰岛有温泉?什么样子的?   Brett:They're amazing! The Blue Lagoon is a mineral-rich seawater lake heated by lava. It's near a power plant outside Reykjavik, and it’s absolutely spectacular.   布雷特:棒极了!蓝泻湖是一个由火山熔岩形成的咸水湖,富含矿物质。就在雷克雅未克近郊的一个发电厂附近,真是太壮观了。   Helen:It's near a power plant?! Thanks, but I'll pass. I'd like to have children someday.

  海伦:在发电厂附近?多谢,但我不去。我将来还要生孩子呢。   B tc060208003.jpg rett:That's what I thought at first, too. But it actually turns out that the water in the lake is considered healthy. It has a high content of salt and silica3, and they say it can help cure skin problems like psoriasis and eczema.   布瑞格:一开始我也这样想。但经过证实,湖水是有益健康的。它含有丰富的盐分和硅,可以治疗牛皮癣和湿疹之类的皮肤病。   Helen:I think I’ll stick to my bathtub. Besides, Iceland’s a long way from here.   海伦:我想我还是在我的浴缸里泡泡好了。何况冰岛离这儿也太远了.   Brett:Suit yourself, but you’re missing out on the best bath in the world!



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