





第53届艾美颁奖典礼 The 53rd Emmy Award

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-20 16:51| 查看数: 1117| 评论数: 0|

MC: Thomas Schlamme has previously won Emmys for his direction of ER, Tracy Takes On and The West Wing!

  司仪:汤马士·施拉姆曾凭《仁心仁术》、《翠丝时间》及《白宫群英》赢得最佳编导奖!   Thomas Schlamme: Thank you. I had an image of myself as a fourth grader frightened that my tc050302014.jpg teacher was going to catch me carrying an AM radio in my pocket, listening to the seventh game of the World Series, and if I had used all my dreams and all my imagination at that time in my life, I could have never imagined that I’d de nominated for Emmy, let alone win one and still be petrified that I’m sneaking in with an AM radio to listen the seventh game. And in these times, I have to say it’s very reassuring for me to know that some things never change.   汤马士·施拉姆:谢谢!记得我念四年级时,害怕老师发现我口袋里的收音机,我当时正偷听世界职业棒球锦标赛战情。如果当年我用尽梦想和想象力,今天准不会获得艾美奖提名,更不会胜出。我仍然有一点胆战心惊,因为我偷偷带了收音机听棒球赛战情。在这时候,知道有些事永远不会改变,这让我很安慰。   MC: Ladies and gentlemen, Wayne Brady!   司仪:各位观众,韦恩·布兰迪!   Wayne Brady: Hello, howdy. Now I’m really excited to be here and tc050302015.jpg before I came I got calls from all sorts of friends on advice whether or not to appear tonight. A really good friend of mine I think some of you know him James Brown called me and he, and I said "James, what should I do?" He said, "Any way that send a guy that done the board that done the stage on the tennis turnout on the end of the dock. " And I said, "OK" And then Little Richard called me and he said, "Oh Wayne, shut up! You need to go if they gonna give you a ticket, if they don’t then give it to me, whoahhhh! "And then finally I got advice from a man that I respect a lot the Reverend Jesse Jackson called me. I said, "Reverend, what should I do? " And he said, "if there are cameras on the show, then clearly my brother, you must go!" So following the good Reverend’s orders, I came here and I'm here to introduce the nominees for Outstanding Writing on a Variety, Music or Comedy Program.   韦恩·布兰迪:大家好!真叫人兴奋,我来之前所有朋友都打电话给我,建议我今晚该不该出席。一个好朋友打给我,相信你们也认识的--詹姆士·布朗。我问他:"詹姆士,我该怎么办?"他说:"你还是让别人去吧!"我说:"好的。"然后小理查打给我,他这样说:"韦恩,闭嘴!你非去不可。他们不颁奖给你,你也要抢回来;他们没颁奖给你,就会颁奖给我!"最后一个我很敬重的人杰西·杰克逊给我建议。我问他"牧师,我该怎么做?"他回答道:"只要可以上镜就一定要去!"所以,我听牧师的建议来了。现在我宣读最佳编剧(综合/音乐节目/喜剧)奖候选人名单。   MC: Ladies and gentlemen CNN's noted journalist and Emmy Award winner, Larry King!   司仪:各位观众,CNN著名新闻主播兼艾美奖得主拉利·金!   Larry King: Thank you very much. You know when crises come, entertainers do what they do best, they entertain. They inspire the home front, they travel to cheer our troops. Some of them, as you are about to see, are or were very famous. Many of them are or were, not famous at all, but more importantly than the songs they sing or the jokes they tell is a simple fact: they’ve always been there sharing their humanity, sharing their faith that the simple things-one line, tap dancing, the healing power of a hug from a home must ultimately prevail. Over the years the beat of their music changes, but the heart beneath it never wavers.



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