






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-21 16:42| 查看数: 1189| 评论数: 0|


  The Road Goes Ever on and on 行路谣 tc050131001.jpg   The Road goes ever on and on   漫漫长路,   Down from the door when it began.  起于家门。  Now far ahead the Road has gone,   路其修远,   And I must follow, if I can,   紧随不息,   Pursuing it with eager feet,  步履匆匆,  Until it joins some larger way  直奔通途,  Where many paths and errands meet   歧路迭起,取向何方?   And whither then?  我心彷徨。  —————————————————————————————————————————————   May It Be 祈愿

tc050131002.jpg   May it be an evening star

  祈愿有晚星   Shines down upon you   照耀着你  May it be when darkness falls   祈愿当黑暗降临时   Your heat will be true   你的心依然坚定   You walk a 1onely road  踏上孤独的道路   Oh! How far you are from home  哦!离家的路有多远   Mornie Utulie(darkness has come)  莫尼耶,乌图利耶(黑暗来临)  Believe and you will find you way  信仰会指引你的方向   Mornie Utulie(darkness has come)  莫尼耶,乌图利耶(黑暗来临)   A promise lives within you now  这诺言从今与你同在   May it be the shadows call  祈愿阴影的呼唤   Will f1y away  终将烟消云散   May it be your journey on  祈愿你的征程   To light the day  会将白曰照亮   When the night is overcome  当黑夜不再让你畏惧   You may rise to find the sun   你将起来,看到太阳   Mornie Utulie(darkness has come)  莫尼耶,乌图利耶(黑暗来临)  Believe and you will find your way   信仰会指引你的方向   Mornie Utulie(darkness has come)  莫尼耶,乌图利耶(黑暗来临)

  A promise lives within you now   这诺言从今与你同在


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