






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-24 16:38| 查看数: 922| 评论数: 0|

The Holy Quran teaches that whoever kills an innocent is as ——it is as it if has killed all mankind. And the Holy Quran also says whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind.


  The enduring faith of over a billion people is so much bigger than the narrow hatred of a few. Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism; it is an important part of promoting peace.   十几亿人永恒的信仰远胜于一小撮人狭隘的仇恨。在与暴力极端主义的斗争中,伊斯兰不仅不会成为一个问题,而且可以发挥促进和平的重要作用。

  Now, we also know that military power alone is not going solve the problems in Afghanistan and Pakistan. That's why we plan to invest $1.5 billion each year over the next five years to partner with Pakistanis to build schools and hospitals, roads and businesses, and hundreds of millions to help those who've been displaced.   我们也知道,仅凭军事力量是不能解决阿富汗和巴基斯坦问题的。因此,我们计划在未来5年之内,每年投入15亿美元,与巴基斯坦人民一起建设学校、医院、道路和企业。此外,我们还将捐助数亿万美元帮助那些流离失所的人们。   That's why we are providing more than $2.8 billion to help Afghans develop their economy and deliver services that people depend on.



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