






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-25 17:15| 查看数: 1073| 评论数: 0|

 This is my first time traveling to China, and I'm excited to see this majestic country. Here, in Shanghai, we see the growth that has caught the attention of the world ——the soaring skyscrapers, the bustling streets and entrepreneurial activity. And just as I'm impressed by these signs of China's journey to the 21st century, I'm eager to see those ancient places that speak to us from China's distant past. Tomorrow and the next day I hope to have a chance when I'm in Beijing to see the majesty of the Forbidden City and the wonder of the Great Wall. Truly, this is a nation that encompasses both a rich history and a belief in the promise of the future.

  这是我第一次来贵国访问,我十分高兴能够亲眼目睹中国的壮丽河山。在上海,我们看到了举世瞩目的城市发展——高耸入云的摩天大楼,熙熙攘攘的大街小巷,以及如火如荼的商业活动。这些都是中国步入21世纪的景象,我不禁为之赞叹。同时,我也期盼能有机会参观那些代表中国古老历史的名胜遗迹。明后两天在北京逗留期间,我希望能有机会参观宏伟壮丽的紫禁城和令人叹为观止的万里长城。中国的确是一个既有丰富历史内涵,又是对未来充满希望的国度。  The same can be said of the relationship between our two countries. Shanghai, of course, is a city that has great meaning in the history of the relationship between the United States and China. It was here, 37 years ago, that the Shanghai Communiqué opened the door to a new chapter of engagement between our governments and among our people. However, America's ties to this city —— and to this country ——stretch back further, to the earliest days of America's independence.



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