






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-27 15:56| 查看数: 853| 评论数: 0|

A revamped education system. A bold new energy strategy. A more efficient health care system. Renewed investment in basic research and our infrastructure. These are the pillars of a more competitive economy that will take advantage of the global marketplace’s opportunities.

  改革后的教育体系、大胆的新能源战略、更为高效的医疗体系、基础研究和基础设施领域内的重建投资,这些便是充分利用世界市场机遇的更具竞争力的经济支柱。   But even as we welcome competition, we need to remember that our economic policies must be supported by strong and smart trade policies. I have said before, and will say again—I believe in free trade. It can save money for our consumers, generate business for U.S. exporters, and expand global wealth. But unlike George Bush and John McCain, I do not think that any trade agreement is a good trade agreement. I don’t think an agreement that allows South Korea to export hundreds of thousands of cars into the United States, but continues to restrict U.S. car exports into South Korea to a few thousand, is a smart deal. I don’t think that trade agreements without labor or environmental agreements are in our long-term interests.



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