






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-27 15:59| 查看数: 1035| 评论数: 0|

A third part of our agenda must be a commitment to twenty-first-century infrastructure. If we want to keep up with China or Europe, we can’t settle for crumbling roads and bridges, aging water and sewer pipes, and faltering electrical grids that cost us billions in blackouts, repairs, and travel delays. It’s gotten so bad that the American Society of Civil Engineers gave our national infrastructure a “D.” A century ago, Teddy Roosevelt called together leaders from business and government to develop a plan for twentieth-century infrastructure. It falls to us to do the same.   上述议程的第三部分应是对21世纪基础设施建设的承诺。若想赶上中国或欧洲,我们不能满足于这样的现状:陈旧的道路和桥梁、老化的水管、下水道,以及在停电、维修和出行晚点方面导致数十亿美元损失的不稳定电网。令人极为痛心的是,美国土木工程师协会(American Society of Civil Engineers)给美国的基础设施建设只打了个“D”。一个世纪前,西奥多·罗斯福把企业和政府的领导者们召集在一起,制定了一项20世纪基础设施建设规划。我们现在也肩负同样的使命。   As President, I will launch a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank that will invest $60 billion over ten years—a bank that can leverage private investment in infrastructure improvements and create nearly two million new jobs. The work will be determined by what will maximize our safety and security and ability to compete. We will fund this bank as we bring the war in Iraq to a responsible close. It’s time to stop spending billions of dollars a week on a blank check for an Iraqi government that won’t spend its own oil revenues. It’s time to strengthen transportation and to protect vulnerable targets from terrorism at home. We can modernize our power grid, which will help conservation and spur on the development and distribution of clean energy.   就任总统后,我将成立10年间投资600亿美元的“国家基础设施再投资银行”(National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank)。该行可以在基础设施改造中对私人投资起到杠杆作用,并创造近200万个新工作岗位。该项工作将取决于我们使安全、治安和竞争力最大化的努力。在为银行划拨资金的同时,我们将负责任地结束伊拉克战争。伊拉克政府自己的石油收入基本不用,而我们却每周向其支付数十亿美元的空白支票,这种做法现在该停止了。我们现在应该加强运输建设和增强国内设施防范遭受恐怖袭击能力。我们会建设有助于节约能源和促进清洁能源发展和部署的现代化电网。    We can invest in rail, so that cities like Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, and St. Louis are connected by high-speed trains, and folks have alternatives to air travel. That’s what we can do if we commit to rebuild a stronger America.



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