






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-27 16:08| 查看数: 1318| 评论数: 0|

This was leadership that had the strength to turn moments of adversity into opportunity, the wisdom to see a little further down the road, and the courage to challenge conventional thinking and worn ideas so that we could reinvent our economy to seize the future. That’s not the kind of leadership that we have seen out of Washington recently. But that’s the kind of leadership I intend to provide as President of the United States.   这种领导艺术具有化逆境为机遇的力量、前瞻性的智慧以及挑战常规思维和陈腐观念的勇气,能够指引我们彻底改造经济和把握未来。这种领导艺术是目前华盛顿政府所不具备的,但它却是我作为美国总统所力求具备的领导力。   These past eight years will be remembered for misguided policies, missed opportunities, and a rigid and ideological adherence to discredited ideas. Almost a decade into this century, we still have no real strategy to compete in a global economy. Just think of what we could have done. We could have made a real commitment to a world-class education for our kids, but instead we passed No Child Left Behind, a law that—however well intended—left the money behind and alienated teachers and principals instead of inspiring them. We could have done something to end our addiction to oil, but instead we continued down a path that funds both sides of the war on terror, endangers our planet, and has left Americans struggling with $4-a-gallon gasoline. We could have invested in innovation and rebuilt our crumbling roads and bridges, but instead we’ve spent hundreds of billions of dollars fighting a war in Iraq that should’ve never been authorized and never been waged.

  过去8年留在人们记忆中的将是政策误导、错失良机、思想僵化和因循守旧。20世纪差不多已经过去了10年,而我们仍然没有制定出参与全球经济竞争的真正战略。试想一下,我们原本可以成就多少事情?我们本可以做出让我们的孩子接受世界一流教育的真正承诺,可是相反,我们却通过了《有教无类法》。这部法律—无论其初衷多么美好—把教育经费抛掷脑后,结果,不仅没有起到鼓励作用,反而疏远了教师和校长。我们本可以采取措施,戒除石油毒瘾,可是相反,我们却继续一意孤行,资助恐怖战争的双方,危及我们的星球,使得美国人艰难地支付4美元一加仑的汽油价格;我们本可以投资创新项目,修复破旧不堪的道路和桥梁,可是相反,我们却靡费数千亿美元用于本来就不该批准和发动的伊拉克战争。   Worse yet, the price tag for these failures is being passed to our children. The Clinton Administration left behind a surplus, but this Administration squandered it. We face budget deficits in the hundreds of billions and are nearly $10 trillion in debt. We’ve borrowed billions from countries like China to finance needless tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans and an unnecessary war, and yet Senator McCain is explicitly running to continue and expand these policies, without a realistic plan to pay for it.



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