






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-30 16:57| 查看数: 1031| 评论数: 0|


  整容手术成美国最流行圣诞礼物   All I want for Christmas is a tummy tuck   Bath bubbles and scented candles will simply not do. For a certain type of woman who has everything - including very generous family and friends - plastic surgery could make the ideal present.   According to the ABC, more and more women are opting for surgical procedures as Christmas presents, with Botox, tummy tucks and breast enhancements topping some Santa's lists this year.   Tina Franklin, from Orange County, California, says that she has put Botox on her wish-list because she wants to start 2012 feeling 'fresh.'   In an interview with ABC News she explained that, after a break-up with a boyfriend, the bridal make-up artist asked her sister for Botox to target her trouble areas around the crow's feet, between the eyes and on the forehead.   Luckily for Tina, her sister Nicole Tuzzolino is willing to fork out $650 for the cosmetic treatment which temporarily numbs muscle movement and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.   Ms Tuzzolino admits that she thinks her sister is 'a little crazy' and doesn't 'think she needs it,' but is more than happy to oblige with the plumping present.   Ms Franklin is not alone. The news show reports that the area's local cosmetic surgeons are doing a busy trade at this time of the year, coping with the Holiday season boom in procedures.   Newport Beach and OC women are famous for their love of a little cosmetic help.   'Living in Orange County, the mecca of plastic surgery, you definitely want to do procedures, including Botox, to soften but not freeze' Ms Franklin said.   She is one of many in the famously looks-driven area, made famous by the TV show The OC.   Dr Tenley Lawton, who Ms franklin has chosen for her Botox, told the network that procedures run from a few hundred dollars for injections to $15,000 for a tummy tuck and breast augmentation known as a 'mommy makeover.'   泡泡浴和香味蜡烛都不够了。对那些应有尽有的女性(她们都有非常慷慨大方的家庭和朋友)来说,整形手术是个理想的圣诞礼物。   据美国广播公司报道,越来越多的女性选择整形外科手术作为圣诞礼物,肉毒杆菌、腹部整形术和隆胸位列今年圣诞礼物的首选之列。   美国加州橘子郡的蒂娜?富兰克林说,她想得到肉毒杆菌作为礼物,因为她希望以“焕然一新”的感觉开始2012年。   在接受美国广播公司新闻节目采访时她解释说,和男友分手后,身为新娘化妆师的她向她的姐妹要了肉毒杆菌作礼物,来给眼部和前额之间的眼角鱼尾纹除皱。   幸运的是,她的姐妹尼可?图佐利诺愿意为这一美容工程支付650美元,这种整容可以暂时麻痹肌肉运动,减少皱纹的出现。   图佐利诺承认她觉得蒂娜“有点疯狂”,并不觉得她需要这样做,但很愿意满足这个“丰脸礼物”的要求。   并不只有富兰克林如此。新闻报道称,该地的地方整形外科医生每年这个时候生意都很火爆,因为要应对圣诞季的整容热潮。   纽波特比奇和橘子郡的女性因为喜欢做整形手术而著称。   富兰克林说:“居住在橘子郡,整容手术最流行的地区,你当然想去做,包括打肉毒杆菌,来使肌肤变柔软而不是僵硬。”   在这个崇尚美貌的地区,她只是整容者之一,该地因为美剧《橘子郡男孩》而出名。   富兰克林选择藤利?劳顿来为她注射肉毒杆菌。劳顿医生在接受媒体采访时说,从几百美元的注射,到1.5万美元的腹部整形术和被称为‘妈咪大转变’的隆胸手术,整容手术价格不等。   Vocabulary:   Botox: 肉毒杆菌   tummy tucks: 腹部整形术

  crow's feet: 眼角鱼尾纹


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