






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2011-12-31 15:28| 查看数: 981| 评论数: 0|



  Golden Globes 2012: A transatlantic love affair   The nominations for the 2012 Golden Globes have been revealed, with French silent film The Artist leading with six nominations, and two George Clooney films up against each other for best drama.   This year's Golden Globe nominations reveal something of a love affair between Hollywood and France.   Martin Scorsese's Hugo and Woody Allen's Midnight in Paris are both largely set in a romanticised version of the French capital.   Hugo - with three nominations in all - is in the running for best drama picture. Midnight in Paris - with four nods - is up for best picture in the musical or comedy category.   But this isn't a case of unrequited passion. In the same category is French silent film The Artist - a love letter to Hollywood's silent era.   Michel Hazanavicius's film is unusual in that it is a 21st Century movie which looks like it was made in 1927. He even shot it in Hollywood - in black and white.   French actor Jean Dujardin plays a silent screen actor who sees his career crumble with the advent of "talkies". Meanwhile, Peppy Miller (Berenice Bejo) is a pretty young extra who sees her star ascend in the era of sound.   Both Dujardin and Bejo are up for acting Globes, with Hazanavicius up for best director.   There is another French connection worth mentioning: Steven Spielberg's War Horse is set in both a picture-postcard England and the muddy, war-ravaged trenches of France during World War I.   The film - released in the UK next year - is up for best drama picture against nuanced family tale The Descendants, civil rights story The Help, Scorsese's Hugo, political thriller The Ides of March and baseball-oriented Moneyball.   But despite the recognition for War Horse as a film, Spielberg has been omitted from the best director shortlist.   George Clooney, on the other hand, is definitely in. He's nominated for political thriller The Ides of March - both as director and co-writer.   His co-star in the film, Ryan Gosling, gets a nod for best actor (drama), only to find himself up against Clooney, who is nominated for his role in The Descendants.   2012年度金球奖各奖项提名名单近日揭晓,法国无声电影《艺术家》获得六项提名领跑,而乔治·克鲁尼参与的两部影片将一同角逐最佳剧情类电影。   今年的金球奖提名似乎体现出好莱坞和法国之间的“热恋”关系。   马丁·斯科塞斯的《雨果》、伍迪·艾伦的《午夜巴黎》都主要以浪漫版的法国首都巴黎为背景拍摄。   《雨果》获得三项提名,将角逐最佳剧情类电影。《午夜巴黎》获得四项提名,将角逐最佳音乐/喜剧类影片。   但这并非没有回报的“恋情”。法国无声电影《艺术家》也将角逐最佳剧情类电影,这部影片好似是给好莱坞的无声时代的一封情书。   迈克尔·哈扎纳维希乌斯执导的《艺术家》与众不同,这是一部21世纪的电影,看上去却像在1927年拍摄的。他甚至是在好莱坞拍摄了这部黑白片。   法国男星让·杜雅尔丹在影片中饰演一位出演无声电影的男演员,在有声电影到来后,影片中男演员的事业遇到了挫折。而贝热尼丝·贝乔饰演的年轻漂亮的临时演员帕皮·米勒则在有声电影时代名声大噪。   杜雅尔丹和贝乔都将角逐金球奖演员奖项。哈扎纳维希乌斯将角逐最佳导演。   还有一部法国影片值得一提:斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格执导的《战马》的拍摄背景不仅有一战时期风景如画的英格兰、也有泥泞不堪、受到战争蹂躏的法国战壕。   这部影片将于明年在英国上映,也将角逐剧情类最佳影片。同时获得提名的还有讲述微妙的家庭故事的《后人》、民权故事片《帮助》、马丁·斯科塞斯的《雨果》、政治惊悚片《三月十五日》、以及棒球影片《点球成金》。   尽管影片《战马》得到了公认,斯皮尔伯格却没能参与角逐最佳导演。   但乔治·克鲁尼却成功跻身候选名单。他因政治惊悚片《三月十五日》获得最佳导演和最佳编剧提名。   与他联袂出演的瑞恩·高斯林获得最佳剧情片男主角提名,与克鲁尼狭路相逢。克鲁尼因出演《后人》获得该项提名。   Vocabulary:   something of a: 有几分,有点儿   unrequited: 无回报的,无报酬的   talkie: 有声电影   extra: 临时演员

  nuanced: 具有细微差别的,微妙的


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