





减少伟哥用量 中年性生活应半月一次

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-1 17:27| 查看数: 1631| 评论数: 0|


  The middle-aged should do it just once a fortnight! Doctors urged to limit patients' Viagra pills   据悉,医生督促减少病人伟哥用量,声称中年人的性生活频率应该维持在每半个月一次。   Critics say rationing treats sex 'like an unnecessary luxury' which could cause anguish in patients   评论家们认为这一举措实质是将性生活列入“不必要奢侈品”一范畴,而这将会使病人陷入苦恼之中。   Viagra prescriptions should be rationed to two pills a month, GPs have been told – on the assumption that patients will have sex only once a fortnight.   因为,全科医生已接到相关部门通知,伟哥只能给病人一个月开两粒,也就是说病人半个月只能有一次性生活。   Managers at several NHS trusts are encouraging doctors to limit the number of tablets handed out to cut costs.   好几个英国公费医疗(国民保健制度)信托机构的经理都支持医生减少这种药的供给量,以便降低开支。   It's been a fortnight darling: Health experts recommend men should only take Viagra at most twice a month (posed)   半个月一次的性生活已然成为人们的宠儿:健康专家建议男人最多一个月吃两次伟哥。   The 5 poundpill is already heavily restricted and only men with serious illnesses that affect their sex drive are eligible to have the medication for free.   尽管该种药品只卖5英镑,但它已经受到极其严格的限制。如今,只有那些患有严重疾病从而影响到其性欲冲动的人才可以无偿获得。   There are no national restrictions on how many should be given to each patient per month.   尽管如此,国家仍旧没有做出对于医生应该给每位病人每月多少剂量的药的相关规定。   However, the Department of Health has previously issued guidance stating middle-aged men – those aged 40 to 60 – only need it once a week because that is their ‘frequency of intercourse’.   但卫生部日前印发了有关文件,文件中说明中年男人,也就是40到60岁的男人,每星期只需要服用一次,因为这就是与他们相对等的“性生活频率”。   Now a panel of managers overseeing primary care trusts in Oxfordshire, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire have told GPs to halve this number.



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