





假日出游胡吃海喝 仍可保持好身材

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-2 16:19| 查看数: 854| 评论数: 1|


  When my husband, daughter, and I travel during the holidays, it's almost always "home" to Vermont to visit -- and stay with -- my family. Although that's a lovely thing in many respects, it's not so great for my workout routine. Not only do I not have the option of heading to the hotel pool or gym, but there's also so much going on that there's rarely time to fit in a full-scale sweat session .   每次我和丈夫女儿度假旅游,几乎总要回到我们在佛蒙特的“家”——拜访我的亲人。虽然总的来说,这是件很温馨快乐的事情,但是,对于我的日常训练安排来说,却不怎么好。我不仅没法去宾馆的游泳池或者健身房锻炼,更糟糕的是,我几乎没有时间做运动来让自己彻彻底底、爽快地出一身汗。   But I also know that with all the can't-pass-'em-up homemade treats (my mom's maple dumplings, my sister's butterscotch cookies, my friend Marget's fudge sauce) vying for belly space -- and, yes, the occasional stressful moment that comes from having a dozen or so independent-minded adults crammed into a single room -- exercise is crucial to both my mental well-being and my waistline.   面对家里那些令人欲罢不能的美食(像是妈妈做的槭糖味面团,姐姐做的奶油糖果曲奇,以及我的好朋友Marget做的软糖酱),就算是自控力多么强大的人,也会抵抗不住诱惑狼吞虎咽起来,不放过肚子里每一个空隙。然而,与此同时,我内心也很明白,无论是为了我的身心健康,还是我的腰围,体育锻炼都是必不可少的。   Happily, after a lot of trial and error over the years, I've figured out three reliable ways to sneak in enough movement during away-from-home holidays to keep the scale needle from sidling too far in the wrong direction. Go ahead and steal 'em for yourself:   值得庆幸的是,多年来抱着神农尝百草的精神,一路摸爬滚打过来的我,终于发现了3个非常有用的方法,即使是在离家远游的时候,也能够让保持好身材,不让体重秤上的指针跑得太远。不信?就一起来看看吧:   The first thing I do when I get up in the morning is 10 minutes of sun salutations. They get my blood flowing, involve some serious strength, and get the tiniest bit of sweat going. I also make sure to tell my early-rising mom that she'll find me down-dogging in her living room every morning before breakfast. And, of course, I do them in my pajamas -- who wants to get dressed before breakfast when you're on vacation?   每天早上起来第一件事情,就是做10分钟的拜日式瑜伽。加速血液循环的同时,做一些有难度的伸展动作,可以让身体微微排汗。我还特意告诉我那个习惯早起的妈妈,在早饭前,我会在她的起居室里做另一种瑜伽。当然啦,我会穿着我的睡裤做这些运动——假日里,谁愿意一起来就把自己往正装里塞?   I set a daily step goal, then wear my activity monitor and challenge myself to meet that target each day. To help reach it, I take at least one walk during daylight hours. I'm rarely alone -- my mom and her dog, Abby, come along, or my sister pairs up with me for some girl talk, or I pull my daughter, Zoe, behind me in her sled. Then, after Zoe goes to bed in the evenings, my husband, Eric, and I bundle up and head back out for a peaceful stroll to view the holiday lights. It's become a tradition for us, and I love it.   我制定了一个每日计划目标,然后带上我的运动监督器,要求自己每天达到制定的目标。为了达到目标,我白天的时候至少会竞走一次。运动的过程中,我从不感到孤单,因为总会有人陪我一起——有的时候,是妈妈和她的小狗,Abby,一路陪着我;有的时候,我的姐姐也会加入我,边走边聊一些女人的事情;或者,我会让女儿Zoe坐在她的雪橇里,我托着她往前走。而到了晚上,当Zoe睡着了,我丈夫Eric,会和我一起出去散散步,手挽着手,欣赏假日里的灯火。渐渐地,这些都成了我们的传统,而我一直也很乐衷于此。   As a family, we try to turn at least some of our gatherings into active outings -- cross-country skiing at the local country club, ice skating at the indoor rink near my mom's house, sledding down the awesome hill near my sister's house, or caroling around the neighborhood. That way, we get to hang out and burn some calories at the same time.   作为一个家族,我们试着举家参加至少一次户外活动,例如,参加当地滑雪俱乐部举办的跨区域滑雪;到妈妈家附近的室内溜冰场溜冰;驾驶着雪橇翻越姐姐家旁边那座令人敬畏的山丘;或是在邻里社区里唱唱颂歌,载歌载舞。在感受户外娱乐带来的欢乐的同时,我们也在不知不觉中减去了我们身上的卡路里。   Happy, healthy holidays to you!



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