






发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-2 16:21| 查看数: 905| 评论数: 0|


Whether you're the intern or the boss, learn how to be polite at work with basic office manners.   无论你是实习生还是老板,你都需要知道基本的办公室礼仪,知道如何在工作中做到彬彬有礼。      1. Don't check personal devices during a meeting attended by your boss or anyone else who can make her disapproval your problem.   不要在开会时查看自己的个人物品,特别是有老板或者任何可以对你说不的人参加的会议。   2. Don't pop up beside someone's cubicle, holding a conversation as a disembodied head.   不要在其他人的格子间旁边突然现身,有话要同别人讲时,自己想象一个人在面前就可以了。   3. Don't use a speakerphone unless you're in your office and holding a meeting that's being attended by someone remotely. Alert the person you're speaking with that others are present, and close the door.   不要用免提,除非你是在自己的办公室里,或者在开会时,其他与会者离你较远。记得要提醒电话的另一头,有其他人在场。最后记住要把门关上。   4. When answering the phone, state your name and place of business.   打电话时,先报上自己的名字和单位。   5. When leaving voice mails, state your name, place of business, and number. Succinctly say why you're calling. Repeat step one; say goodbye.   电话留言时,先报上自己的名字,单位,和电话。再简单扼要地说明打电话的原因。最后,重复一遍自己的名字、单位和电话,说再见。   6. Whoever arrives at a door first holds it for the next person, no matter the gender of either.   先到门边的人,记住要为后面的人拉住门,无论后面的人是男是女。   7. Don't microwave stinky foods in the shared lunchroom.   不要在公用餐厅里用微波炉加热重口味的食物。   8. When introducing people, name the person of greater status first: “Mrs. CEO, I'd like you to meet the mail guy, Ron.”   介绍他人时,先为社会地位高的人介绍。比如,“总裁女士,我想为您介绍一下我们的快递员,荣恩。”   9. If you leave your cell phone at your desk, turn it off. Particularly if your ringtone is “Who Let the Dogs Out?”   如果你把手机放在桌子上,记住要关机。尤其当你的手机铃声是“谁把狗放出来啦”的时候(在国内,请参考“忐忑”铃声的效果)。   10. Don't say “Pardon me.”Say “I beg your pardon.”The first is a command; the second, a request.   不要说“原谅我”,改说“我请求您的原谅”。前者是命令,后者是请求。   Whether you're the intern or the boss, learn how to be polite at work with basic office manners.



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