





世界年龄最大狗狗周一离世 享年26岁

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-2 16:26| 查看数: 1026| 评论数: 0|


The world's oldest dog passed away on Monday afternoon at his home in Japan.   世界上年龄最大的狗狗于本周一下午在日本离世。   Pusuke, a male cross-breed, was recognized as the oldest dog in the world by Guinness Book of World Records in December last year, reports ABC News.   据ABC新闻报道,这只名为Pusuke的杂种狗狗是去年12月《吉尼斯纪录》认可的世界上最老的狗狗。   Pusuke was 26-years-old when he died, reports the Kyodo News. Born in March, 1985, the dog had just over three months to go until its next birthday.   Kyodo新闻报道,Pusuke死的时候是26岁。生于1985年的Pusuke只差3个月就要过27岁生日了。   That's somewhere between 118 to 185 human years.   这相当于人类的118到185岁高龄。   Pusuke died Monday afternoon just five minutes after Ms Shinohara, his owner, had returned home from a walk.   Pusuke周一下午,在主人Shinohara女士散步回到家后5分钟就离开了人世。   According to MSN India, the 42-year-old housewife said, "I think [Pusuke] waited for me to come home."   印度MSN网站报道上,这位42岁的家庭主妇说:“我想Pusuke是在等我回家。”   MSNBC notes that a 28-year-old beagle from the U.S. had previously held the record for oldest dog in the world, though it died in 2003.   MSNBC表示,之前保持这项世界纪录的是一只生活在美国的狗狗,它在2003年离开人世,享年28岁。   The oldest dog to have ever lived is reportedly a 29-year-old sheepdog who lived in Australia.



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