





年度热门词汇——Tergiversate 搪塞

发布者: tlsd001 | 发布时间: 2012-1-2 16:40| 查看数: 873| 评论数: 0|



  Tergiversate, the word of the year (... it means you like to change your mind a lot)   年度热门词汇——Tergiversate 搪塞   You probably haven’t heard anyone use it this year – or possibly ever. But tergiversate is the word of 2011. Apparently.   也许你在今年甚至以前从未听到过这个词,但毋庸置疑,搪塞是2011年的年度风云词汇。   Pronounced 'ter-jiv-er-sate', it means ‘to change repeatedly one’s attitude or opinions with respect to a cause or subject’.   搪塞,英文发音为'ter-jiv-er-sate',意思是某人就某个事件的原因和动机不断改变自己的态度和看法。   Dictionary.com editors chose the word, which is associated with rapidly changing situations, because it was so fitting of our times of political and economic upheaval. Dictionary.com   网站的编辑们选择了这个与情况快速变化息息相关的单词,因为,用它来描述当今时代政治和经济的动荡是最合适不过的了。   Jay Schwartz, the website’s head of content, said: ‘We think that it’s immensely rewarding to find existing words that capture a precise experience, and this year tumult has been the norm rather than the exception.   该网站的负责人杰伊施瓦茨表示:“发现已存在的词语能捕捉到一种特定的感受是非常有意义的。并且今年,骚乱已不再是特例而是习以为常的事情了。”   ‘There are contested public spaces around the world, where people are demonstrating in one direction or another. Opinions and circumstances have been oscillating so much.   “世界各地随处可见示威游行的人群聚集在公众场合,而舆论和环境无时无刻不在变化着。”   ‘This word encompasses a sense of “flip-flopping” but it also implies a number of other complicating forces.   “这个单词包含着一种立场摇移之感,但是同时,它也暗示了许多其他复杂的涵义。”   ‘Unlike flip-flop, tergiversate suggests a lack of intentionality – it’s a change in state more out of necessity, as new events happen at great speed.’   “与立场动摇不同的是,搪塞暗含着一种意向性的缺乏----正如新事物快速发展一样,它是一项必要的改变。”   Tergiversate, which dates back to 1645, edged out several other words related to ongoing economic troubles, including austerity, occupy, and jobs.   搪塞这个可以追溯到1645年的单词战胜了一些与当下经济困境相关的词语成为了年度最热门词汇,包括紧缩,占领以及工作。   The word is derived from the Latin term Tergiversor’, meaning ‘to turn one’s back, make excuses’ - something anybody who has been following the euro fiasco will be familiar with.




  Occupy had also been suggested, in homage to the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York that spread to cities across the globe   也有人提议占领这个词,向席卷全球的纽约占领华尔街抗议表示敬意。   Although it is not commonly used, it was deployed by The Times in a report in August on the stock market.   尽管并不常用,但泰晤士报在八月的一篇关于股票市场的报告中使用了该词。   BBC reporter Denis Dedej also used it in a Mary 2010 article on Albanian politics.   BBC的记者丹尼斯也在2010年五月份的阿尔巴尼亚政治报中的一篇文章中应用过。   Others which did not quite make the cut were ‘insidious’, meaning stealthily treacherous or deceitful - a damning judgment the past 12 months.   其他的还不够资格的词汇有“insidious”—狡诈的,意思是暗地里背叛或者欺骗,这正是对过去的12个月的谴责。   Equally bleak but more bizarre was ‘zugzwang’, a chess term in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect.   同样被挤掉的一个更奇怪的词语是“zugzwang”—迫移,这个国际象棋中的术语指一名棋手无论怎样出招都只有消极后果,但迫于规则不得不出招。   Last year’s word of the year was ‘change’, partly because it was a pun on coins and the world becoming a different place.



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