






发布者: tezukazyunko | 发布时间: 2009-8-14 21:15| 查看数: 2378| 评论数: 3|

In a town in Persia there lived two brothers. One was named Cassim and the other Ali Baba. Cassim married a rich wife and lived in luxury, but Ali Baba had to live by cutting wood and selling it in the town.   One day when Ali Baba was in the forest, he saw a troop of men on horseback coming toward him. As he was afraid they were a band of robbers, he climbed up a big tree to hide himself. They came to the foot of the tree and got off their horses. Then the chief of the thieves went up to a large rock. "Open, Sesame!" he cried, so loudly that Ali Baba could hear him. Instantly a magic door opened in the rock and they all went in, and then the door shut by itself. They stayed inside for some time. At last they came out. This time the chief of the band called out, "Shut, Sesame!" The door closed and the men rode away.

  Ali Baba wanted to know what was in the cave. After a minute or two he stood before the rock. "Open, Sesame!" he cried out. Once again the hidden door opened. He went through the doorway. The door closed behind him. He was surprised to find such a large, well-lit place. He saw rich bales of silk, plenty of gold and silver, and bags of money. He took no notice of the silver, but took out as many bags of gold as his donkeys could carry, and hurried home.

  At the sight of the gold his wife got so excited that she ran to Cassim's to borrow a measure. Cassim's wife wondered what she wanted to measure. So she put some tallow at the bottom of the measure.

  When Ali Baba's wife brought it back, she found a piece of gold sticking to the bottom.

  "Your brother is richer than you," said his wife to Cassim. "He has more money than he can count."

  The next morning Cassim went to his brother. He showed the gold piece to Ali Baba and said, "You say you are poor, but you measure gold. How did you get it?"

  As Ali Baba thought Cassim knew his secret, he told him about the cave and the magic words to open the door.










韩国 发表于 2009-8-23 15:29:29
tezukazyunko 发表于 2009-8-23 19:11:48
HaFF 发表于 2009-9-1 13:57:29
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