






发布者: tezukazyunko | 发布时间: 2009-8-14 21:20| 查看数: 1401| 评论数: 0|

The chief stopped his mules in front of the house and said to Ali Baba, who was the new master of Cassim's house, "I have brought some oil to sell, but it is now late. Will you give me a night's lodging?"   Ali Baba invited the chief to come in when he heard that there was no room for him at the inn. "Please come in," said Ali Baba. "You can have supper with us and a warm bed to sleep in until tomorrow." He told Morgiana to prepare a bed and supper.

  After supper the chief went out into the yard and told his men to come out when he threw some stones from the window.

  After her new master and the guest went to bed, Morgiana was making soup when suddenly her lamp went out and they had no oil in the house. "I'll go into the yard and take some oil from those jars," she said to herself.

  When she went out into the yard and came to the first jar, the thief in the jar said softly, "Is it time?" She turned pale with terror. But she controlled herself and thought of a good plan. "Not yet, but soon," she said.

  She filled a large kettle with oil and set it on a fire. When it boiled, she poured enough oil into every jar to kill all the thieves inside. Then she went back to the kitchen and waited to see what would happen.

  Before long the chief got up and opened the window to throw little stones. The stones hit the jars, but no thieves came out. He went down into the yard. When he went near one of the jars and said, "Are you asleep?" He smelt the hot boiled oil. At once he knew all his men were dead and that he had to give up his plan to kill Ali Baba and his family. He ran away. Morgiana saw all this and then went to bed.

  The next morning she told everything to her master and led him to the oil jars to show him what was in them.

  Ali Baba thanked her very much and said, "Morgiana, you have saved our lives. You are no longer a slave. You are free now."











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