





乔治克鲁尼 示威被捕

发布者: prayman | 发布时间: 2012-3-20 23:18| 查看数: 950| 评论数: 0|


You can't keep a good man down. George Clooney was arrested Friday for participating in a staged protest outside the Sudanese embassy in Washington, D.C., organized to bring attention to that country's president, Omar al-Bashir, provoking a crisis with his blockade of humanitarian aide. Regarding the situation, Clooney, 50, had said earlier in interviews that if steps were not taken in the next three to four months, "We're going to have a real humanitarian disaster." He also said he is impressed with President Barack Obama's personal engagement on the situation in Sudan. On Wednesday, the actor testified before Congress about the "campaign of murder" in Sudan. As he was being taken away Friday morning, after authorities warned him three times to leave, Clooney said, "This is for the government in Khartoum to stop randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. Stop raping them and stop starving them. That's all we ask," reports USA Today. Handcuffed and arrested along with him were his father, journalist Nick Clooney; U.S. Rep. Jim Moran (Dem.) of Virginia; NAACP President Ben Jealous, among others, reports the Associated Press. They were then placed in a Secret Service van.

乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney)在上周五因参与反对苏丹种族冲突的人道主义示威活动而被捕。这次示威活动旨在抗议苏丹政府对人民施加的暴行,以及该政府阻挠并封锁食品和援助进入该国南科尔多凡的努巴山区的行为,组织者之一的克鲁尼在华盛顿苏丹领事馆外被捕并被戴上手铐,同时被捕的还有克鲁尼78岁的父亲尼克·克鲁尼,他也是一位新闻记者。

Max Milien, spokesman for the Secret Service, told PEOPLE the actor was being cooperative. "He's being charged currently with disorderly crossing of a police line, which is a misdemeanor and he will be transported to the second district of the Metropolitan Police Department for processing," Milien said. A rep for the actor released a statement after the arrest, stating, "They were protesting the violence committed by the government of Sudan on its own innocent men, women and children. They were demanding they allow humanitarian aid into the country before it becomes the largest humanitarian crisis in the world." The arrest was not unexpected, Earlier in the day, The Washington Post reported, "By standing on the embassy's private property, they're likely to get cuffed, arrested and charged."


Clooney was eventually released Friday afternoon.



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