





奥地利男子为失业救济锯左脚 电锯惊魂只为逃避工作

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2012-4-2 17:30| 查看数: 723| 评论数: 0|

It sounds like the plot of a boring "Saw" film, but it's apparently all-too-real. An unemployed Austrian man cut off his own foot with a mitre saw so he could continue receiving jobless benefits.


Hans Url, a 56-year-old from Mitterlabill, then took the foot and cooked it in the oven so doctors could not reattach it.


"The planning was meticulous," Franz Fasching, a police spokesman, told the Daily Mail. "[Url] waited until his wife and his adult son had left the house and he was alone. He then switched it on and sliced off his left foot above the ankle--throwing it in the fire so it would not be possible to reattach it before he called emergency services."

当地警方发言人Franz Fasching对《每日邮报》记者表示:“他的计划非常周密。乌尔等妻子和已成年的儿子出门家里只剩他自己的时候才动手。他打开电锯的开关,将左脚从脚踝正上方的位置锯开,在叫救护车之前,他把断脚丢进火里,这样急救人员就没有办法帮他接回断肢。”

He "then made his way to the garage where he called emergency services and waited for them to arrive." Url was airlifted to a hospital in Graz, where he was put in an artificial coma so doctors could stabilize him.


"The foot was too badly burned to reattach," a hospital spokesman said. "All we could do was seal the wound. He had lost a lot of blood--he almost died on the way to hospital."


According to the Austrian Times, Url had complained before the incident that he was too sick to work and "didn't like the work he was offered." The kicker: according to the paper, being footless does not necessarily qualify Url for unemployment compensation.

根据《奥地利时报》的报道,乌尔在事故前曾经抱怨称自己的身体状况太差不能工作,也“不喜欢为他介绍的工作。” 不过现在的状况却是:根据该报纸的说法,断脚并不一定就意味着乌尔可以继续申领失业救济金。

"He will be assessed once he is out of hospital and we will see what work we can find for him," Hermann Gössinger, a spokesman for the employment benefits office, said.

失业救济办公室的发言人Hermann Gössinger表示,等乌尔伤口复原后,会对他的身体状况进行评估,并为他推荐适合的工作。


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