





TEM-4 Exercise 完形填空练习

发布者: 从心出发 | 发布时间: 2012-4-18 07:35| 查看数: 960| 评论数: 0|

Passage 5

  Early Tudor England was to a large extent self-sufficient. Practically all the necessities of life —— food, clothing, fuel and housing —— were produced from native resources by native effort, and it was to 61)______ these primary needs that the great mass of the population labored 62)______ its daily tasks. Production was for the most part organized in innumerable small units. In the country the farm, the hamlet and the village lived on 63)______ they could grow or make for themselves, and 64) ______ the sale of any surplus in the local market town, 65)______ in the towns craftsmen applied themselves to their one-man business, making the boots and shoes, the caps and the cloaks, the 66)______ and harness of townsmen and countrymen 67)______. Once a week town and country would meet to make 68)______ at a market which came 69) ______ realizing the medieval idea of direct contact between producer and 70) ______. This was the traditional economy, which was hardly altered for some centuries, and which set the 71) ______ of work and the standard of life of perhaps nice out of 72) ______ ten English men and women. The work was long and 73)______, and the standard of life achieved was almost 74)______ low. Most Englishmen lied by a diet which was often 75)______ and always monotonous, wore coarse and ill-fitting clothes which harbored dirt undermine, and lived in holes whose squalor would affront the modern slum dweller.

  61.A. settleB. answerC. satisfyD. fill

  62.A. atB. inC. onD. with

  63.A. whichB. what C. whetherD. where

  64.A. withB. by C. onD. for

  65.A. although B. while C. neverthelessD. when

  66.A. machinesB. apparatus C. equipment D. implement

  67.A. similar B. skinC. like D. alike

  68.A. exchange B. bargainC. dealingD. ride

  69.A. close at B. adjacent toC. near toD. near-by

  70.A. consumer B. buyerC. userD. shopper

  71.A. modelB. formC. patternD. method

  72.A. every B. eachC. theD. other

  73.A. cruelB. hardC. ruthlessD. severe

  74.A. unimaginatively B. unimaginablyC. imaginarily D. unimaginedly

  75.A. weakB. little C. meagerD. sparse

  Passage 6

  Unlike most sports, which evolved over time from street games, basketball was designed by one man to suit a particular purpose. The man was Dr. James Naismith, and his purpose was to invent a vigorous game that could be played indoors in the winter.

  In 1891, Naismith was an instructor at a training school, which trained physical education instructors for the YMCAs. That year the school was trying 76)______ up with a physical activity that the men could enjoy 77)______ the football and baseball seasons. None of the standard indoor activities 78)______ their interest for long. Naismith was asked to solve the problem by the school.

  He first tried to 79)______ some of the popular outdoor sports, but they were all too rough. The men were getting bruised form tackling each other and 80)______ hit with equipment. So, Naismith decided to invent a game that would incorporate the most common elements of outdoor team sports without having the real physical contact.

  Most popular sports used a ball, so he chose a soccer ball because it was soft and large enough that it 81)______ no equipment, such as a bat or a racket to hit it. Next he decided 82)______ an elevated goal, so that scoring world depend on skill and accuracy rather than on 83)______ only.

  His goals were two peach baskets, 84)______ to ten-foot-high balconies at each end of the gym. The basic 85)______ of the game was to throw the ball into the basket. Naismith worth rules for the game, 86)______ of which, though with some small changes, are still 87)______ effect.

  Basketball was an immediate success. The students 88)______ it to their friends and the new sport quickly 89)______ on. Today, basketball is one of the most popular games 90)______ the world.

  76.A. to have comeB. coming C. come D. to come

  77.A. betweenB. during C. whenD. for

  78.A. rousedB. heldC. had D. were

  79.A. imitateB. adoptC. adaptD. renovate

  80.A. beingB. to beC. beenD. were

  81.A. requestedB. usedC. requiredD. took

82.A. onB. toC. of D. with

  83.A. powerB. strengthC. forceD. might

  84.A. fixed B. fixing C. that fix D. which fixed

  85.A. methodB. ruleC. wayD. idea

  86.A. fewB. muchC. many D. little

  87.A. withB. inC. onD. for

  88.A. definedB. spread C. taughtD. discussed

  89.A. wentB. took C. put D. caught

  90.A. of B. throughoutC. amongD. through

  1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. A 8. D 9. 10. C 11. C 12. B 13. D 14. D 5. C 16. B 17. C 18. C 19. A 20. D

 21. D22. D23. C24. C25. D26. A27. D28. B29. A30. A31. C32. D33. C34. B35. A36. D37. C38. D39. B40. B

  41. C42. A43. C44. B45. D46. A47. C48. B49. C50. D51. B52. D53. A54. B55. A56. B57. D58. B59. A60. D

  61. C62. A63. B64. C65. B66. D67. D68. A69. C70. A71. C72. A73. B74. B75. C76. D77. A78. B79. C80. A

  81. C82. A83. B84. A85. D86. C87. B88. C89. B90. B


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