





中国的军事崛起 中英双语社会新闻

发布者: 从心出发 | 发布时间: 2012-5-3 07:19| 查看数: 1378| 评论数: 0|

NO MATTER how often China has emphasised the idea of a peaceful rise, the pace and nature of its military modernisation inevitably cause alarm. As America and the big European powers reduce their defence spending, China looks likely to maintain the past decade’s increases of about 12% a year. Even though its defence budget is less than a quarter the size of America’s today, China’s generals are ambitious. The country is on course to become the world’s largest military spender in just 20 years or so (see article).无论中国如何一再强调和平崛起的理念,它国防现代化的步伐与性质不可避免地引起了恐慌。就在美国与欧洲大国削减军费之际,中国似乎会像过去十年一样,保持大约12%的军费年增长率。尽管它的国防预算还不到今日美国的四分之一,但中国将军们雄心毕露。照此情况,短短20年左右,中国将成为世界上军费支出最大的国家。

Much of its effort is aimed at deterring America from intervening in a future crisis over Taiwan. China is investing heavily in “asymmetric capabilities” designed to blunt America’s once-overwhelming capacity to project power in the region. This “anti-access/area denial” approach includes thousands of accurate land-based ballistic and cruise missiles, modern jets with anti-ship missiles, a fleet of submarines (both conventionally and nuclear-powered), long-range radars and surveillance satellites, and cyber and space weapons intended to “blind” American forces. Most talked about is a new ballistic missile said to be able to put a manoeuvrable warhead onto the deck of an aircraft-carrier 2,700km (1,700 miles) out at sea.


China says all this is defensive, but its tactical doctrines emphasise striking first if it must. Accordingly, China aims to be able to launch disabling attacks on American bases in the western Pacific and push America’s carrier groups beyond what it calls the “first island chain”, sealing off the Yellow Sea, South China Sea and East China Sea inside an arc running from the Aleutians in the north to Borneo in the south. Were Taiwan to attempt formal secession from the mainland, China could launch a series of pre-emptive strikes to delay American intervention and raise its cost prohibitively.

中国声称所有这些都是防御性的,但它的战术准则强调必要时的先发制人。有鉴于此,中国致力于发展能够使美国在西太平洋军事基地瘫痪的攻击能力,并迫使美国航母战斗群退至它所称的“第一岛链”之外;该岛链北起阿留申群岛、南至婆罗洲 [注1],以一个横亘万里的弧形长链,将黄海、中国南海和中国东海尽锁其中。如果台湾试图正式脱离大陆,中国可以发动一系列先发制人的袭击,延缓美国干涉,并使干涉的代价达到其无法承受的程度。

This has already had an effect on China’s neighbours, who fear that it will draw them into its sphere of influence. Japan, South Korea, India and even Australia are quietly spending more on defence, especially on their navies. Barack Obama’s new “pivot” towards Asia includes a clear signal that America will still guarantee its allies’ security. This week a contingent of 200 US marines arrived in Darwin, while India took formal charge of a nuclear submarine, leased from Russia.


En garde 警戒

The prospect of an Asian arms race is genuinely frightening, but prudent concern about China’s build-up must not lapse into hysteria. For the moment at least, China is far less formidable than hawks on both sides claim. Its armed forces have had no real combat experience for more than 30 years, whereas America’s have been fighting, and learning, constantly. The capacity of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) for complex joint operations in a hostile environment is untested. China’s formidable missile and submarine forces would pose a threat to American carrier groups near its coast, but not farther out to sea for some time at least. Blue-water operations for China’s navy are limited to anti-piracy patrolling in the Indian Ocean and the rescue of Chinese workers from war-torn Libya. Two or three small aircraft-carriers may soon be deployed, but learning to use them will take many years. Nobody knows if the “carrier-killer” missile can be made to work.


As for China’s longer-term intentions, the West should acknowledge that it is hardly unnatural for a rising power to aspire to have armed forces that reflect its growing economic clout. China consistently devotes a bit over 2% of GDP to defence—about the same as Britain and France and half of what America spends. That share may fall if Chinese growth slows or the government faces demands for more social spending. China might well use force to stop Taiwan from formally seceding. Yet, apart from claims over the virtually uninhabited Spratly and Paracel Islands, China is not expansionist: it already has its empire. Its policy of non-interference in the affairs of other states constrains what it can do itself.


The trouble is that China’s intentions are so unpredictable. On the one hand China is increasingly willing to engage with global institutions. Unlike the old Soviet Union, it has a stake in the liberal world economic order, and no interest in exporting a competing ideology. The Communist Party’s legitimacy depends on being able to honour its promise of prosperity. A cold war with the West would undermine that. On the other hand, China engages with the rest of the world on its own terms, suspicious of institutions it believes are run to serve Western interests. And its assertiveness, particularly in maritime territorial disputes, has grown with its might. The dangers of military miscalculation are too high for comfort.


How to avoid accidents 如何避免意外

It is in China’s interests to build confidence with its neighbours, reduce mutual strategic distrust with America and demonstrate its willingness to abide by global norms. A good start would be to submit territorial disputes over islands in the East and South China Seas to international arbitration. Another step would be to strengthen promising regional bodies such as the East Asian Summit and ASEAN Plus Three. Above all, Chinese generals should talk far more with American ones. At present, despite much Pentagon prompting, contacts between the two armed forces are limited, tightly controlled by the PLA and ritually frozen by politicians whenever they want to “punish” America—usually because of a tiff over Taiwan.

增进与邻国的互信、加强与美国的战略互信、证明它愿意按照全球准则行事,这些是符合中国利益的。将中国南海和中国东海上岛屿的领土争端提交国际仲裁会是一个良好开端。另一个手段可以是加强有前途的地区组织如东亚峰会 [注2] 与东盟自由贸易区加三 [注3]。最重要的是,中国将军应与美国将军多加交流。当前,尽管五角大楼采取了许多主动行动,但两国军方接触有限。这是由于人民解放军对此的严格控制,以及中国政治家对此时有冻结——此举时常是因两国在台湾问题上发生争吵而对美国施加的“惩罚”。

America’s response should mix military strength with diplomatic subtlety. It must retain the ability to project force in Asia: to do otherwise would feed Chinese hawks’ belief that America is a declining power which can be shouldered aside. But it can do more to counter China’s paranoia. To his credit, Mr Obama has sought to lower tensions over Taiwan and made it clear that he does not want to contain China (far less encircle it as Chinese nationalists fear). America must resist the temptation to make every security issue a test of China’s good faith. There are bound to be disagreements between the superpowers; and if China cannot pursue its own interests within the liberal world order, it will become more awkward and potentially belligerent. That is when things could get nasty.


[注1] 阿留申群岛在白令海与北太平洋之间,自阿拉斯加半島向西伸延至堪察加半島。婆罗洲即加里曼丹岛,为世界第三大岛,其上有三个国家:马来西亚、印尼与文莱。

[注2] 东亚峰会是每年一次由泛东亚地区国家领导人参加的会议,参加国有澳大利亚、文莱、柬埔寨、中国、印度、印尼、日本、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、新西兰、菲律宾、俄罗斯、新加坡、韩国、泰国、美国和越南。

[注3] 东盟自由贸易区加三是东南亚地区性贸易组织,其中包括东盟10国,外加中国、日本、韩国,另有印度、澳大利亚、新西兰和俄罗斯为观察员国。


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