






发布者: 从心出发 | 发布时间: 2012-5-5 08:07| 查看数: 1228| 评论数: 0|

Several years ago, we began construction on a new church buliding.In the beginning, the workmen dug a big pit in the ground and then they began to pour footings. Footings are cement piers under __1__ which the entire buliding rests. They are crucial to the strenth of the finished structure. After the foundation hole is dug, the footings must be poured quickly, before the composition of the soil is changed by the wind, air, or water. With a similar way in these brief early __2__ years, parents of young children have the challenging job of lying __3__ the foundation that will support family friendships in later years.

  Physical affectation and verbal affirmation are necessary in laying __4__ a strong foundation for friendship. Hug, hug, hug. Even if you are not __5__ raised in a hugging family, hug your kids anyway. They need the warmth of physical contact and so do you need. A young child will try to __6__ manipulate and be in the charge. He will attempt to get his own way. __7__ Since the child may not be consciously trying to control, this is __8__ what he is doing. A wise parent must not permit to happen. __9__ When a child respects his parents, he will also respect the others. __10__

  答案:1.underupon/on.footing是“地基”的意思,一般来说,整幢建筑物怎么可能在地基之下呢?所以,介词under应该改成upon或on。within.in a similar way 意思是“以一种相似的方式”,way表示方式时通常和介词in搭配。lyinglaying.lying是lie的-ing分词,而lie的意思是“平躺”或“说谎”,都和原文的意思及搭配不符。affectationaffection.前者是“不自然”,后者是“感情,慈爱”。physical affection的意思是“通过身体语言表现出来的慈爱”。arewere.文中的you指的是孩子的父母,已经为人父母的人被养大成人的过程中应该是在过去的时间。所以这里应该用过去时态。


  7.the“.be in charge 意思是“主管,控制”,这里是说孩子们有时候试图成为控制者。如果说in one's charge或者in the charge of somebody,意思则是被某人看管。考试吧



  10.theothers指“别人”,没有数量范围的限定;the others指“其他的人”,有数量范围的限定。这里只是泛指“别人”,所以不应该加定冠词。


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