





伦敦奥运火炬传递途中意外熄灭 称乃燃烧器故障

发布者: pls890429 | 发布时间: 2012-6-8 00:32| 查看数: 812| 评论数: 0|

 The torch was on the side of David Follett's wheelchair in Great Torrington, Devon, when it went out for the first time since arriving in Britain ahead of the Olympics.

  A replacement flame was brought from the vehicle convoythat accompanies the torch bearers.

  A spokesman for Locog said: "The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner. It is not uncommon for a flame to go out and this can happen for a number of reasons, for example, in extreme winds.

  "We keep the mother flame in specially designed miners' lanterns so if the flame does go out for some reason on the relay we re-light it from the source of the flame."

  Follett, a wheelchair badminton champion from nearby Exeter, was able to continue using a substitute torch which had been lit from the mother flame.

  The Olympic torches were designed in London by Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, who commended its ability to withstand adverse weather and stay lit in an interview last week.

  "The torch had to be economical and sustainable as well as being beautiful and strong, so it’s an incredibly complicated piece of design," they said.

  "It has to function at high altitudes, sub-zero temperatures, in strong winds and also be incredibly light as so many different types of people will be carrying it."


  The flame is supposed to remain alight even in high winds because of a gas burner system held in the centre of the torch which emitsa gas mix that optimisesflame height, colour and luminosity.

  The relay is in its third day and the torch is travelling between Exeter and Taunton. Former Long jump gold medal winner Jonathan Edwards and cricketerMarcus Trescothick are among Monday's runners.

  This is not the first occasion on which the Olympic flame has been extinguishedin recent days. A gust of wind blew out the flame during a ceremony in Olympia, Greece while it was being held by an actress playing a high priestesswho was re-enacting a scene from the ancient Olympics.





  奥运火炬是在伦敦由Edward Barber 和 Jay Osgerby设计的。在上周的一次采访中,两位设计师表示:“奥运火炬必须既美观坚固又持久耐用,因此这是一项非常复杂困难的设计。” 设计师表示,他们在实验室中模拟了时速80公里的强风、高温、零度低温、暴雨等各种极端气候现象,火炬在所有情况下都没有熄灭。


  奥运会火炬接力刚进行了两天,有人就把自己的火炬放到网上去竞卖,并且叫价已经高达10万多英镑。在ebay网上,火炬主人说,他将在21日下午4点 38分参加火炬接力,只要接力一完,他就可以将火炬快递给买家。卖家一再保证火炬是真的。卖主将火炬与其接力时穿的运动服一起出售,且再三强调,一经售出,绝不退换。


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