






发布者: jiuwu | 发布时间: 2012-6-14 10:49| 查看数: 1508| 评论数: 7|

Gossip Girl 每日一集,每日笔记更新。现在已经在更新到第三季咯!看剧的同学要抓紧跟上了~



《绯闻女孩》S3E13学习笔记.rar (27.87 KB, 下载次数: 3)

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jiuwu 发表于 2012-6-14 10:50:50


jiuwu 发表于 2012-6-14 10:51:03

片名释义:The Hurt Locket <——The Hurt Locker

The Hurt Locker就是刚拿了奥斯卡奖的《拆弹部队》啦,人家在三月八日凌晨才拿的奖,晚上GG这集播放就叫The Hurt Locket,还真是……不过片名翻译就要命了,沪江小编某柒我自说自话就翻成了拆台不对”……反正里面也挺多拆台情节的囧……

  美军侵入伊拉克后,上士威廉姆斯詹姆斯(杰瑞米雷纳 Jeremy Renner 饰)被调入陆军亡命连拆弹组,接替刚在巴格达执行任务中牺牲的同事。拆弹组另两人,负责联络的士官桑波恩(安东尼麦凯 Anthony Mackie 饰)和负责掩护的特种兵欧文(布莱恩杰拉蒂 Brian Geraghty 饰)对意气用事的威廉姆斯相当反感。但在联合国大楼的拆弹行动中,抗拒命令强行拆弹的威廉姆斯却得到上校瑞德(大卫莫尔斯 David Morse 饰)的赞赏。在一次仓库拆弹任务中,威廉姆斯认为被用作尸体炸弹的伊拉克小男孩是他在军营认识的卖盗版DVD的贝克汉姆(克里斯托佛萨伊 Christopher Sayegh 饰)。小贝克汉姆的死让威廉姆斯更为疯狂,竟私离军营单枪匹马入城调查……

jiuwu 发表于 2012-6-14 10:51:29
"it was the best of times. It was the worst of times." seems Dickens knew something about life on the upper east side

it was the best of times. It was the worst of times. 这是最好的时代,这是最坏的时代。


Sexting is not sweet. It's off-limits until you're in a relationship.

sext=sex+text 用手机短信调情

off-limits 禁止进入的


you're going to have to take it slow.

take it slow 慢慢来

Just imagining my life as a member of the most exclusive secret society makes metingle.

tingle 兴奋,激动


All I need to know is that the most persuasive and powerful man I've ever met is on my side.

on my side 站在我这边儿,对我有利的

Well, he v-chatted for present opening.

v-chat 类似于MSN的一款闲聊软件

jiuwu 发表于 2012-6-14 10:51:56
I read, like, five self-help blogs about how to turn friends into lovers. Yes, they use that word. I was a little down at my mom's place.

self-help 自助的,自我引导的

be down 情绪低落

Now that I'm with Chuck, I can see that Nate and I were only perfect on paper.

on paper 从理论上讲的

这个词有本义引申两种解释。一是表示写下来的,或者印刷出来的;另外一个意思则是这里的用法,解释成从理论上讲。逻辑 上也比较讲得通哈。

you're gonna have to be able to come up for air,

come up for air 休息一下,暂停一会儿

这是一 个含有比喻意味的词组,游泳的时候在水下憋气久了,必然要冒上水面来透口气吧?不然可会要命的哦。因此come up for air就是为了持续做好某事而小歇一会儿的意思。

Tell him I stopped by.

stop by 顺便到访

还有个近义词是drop by,意思一样。

Vronsky, where are you? Anna Karenina texted you an hour ago.

Vronsky和Anna Karenina是托尔斯泰小说《安娜•卡列宁娜》的主人公。汗,这俩又拿名著来角色扮演……

I just assumed you'd rather not cross paths with Carla Bruni.

cross path 偶遇某人,邂逅

Carla Bruni就是法国第一夫人布吕尼啦。
jiuwu 发表于 2012-6-14 10:52:17
Well, in times of crisis, sacrifices must be made.

in times of crisis 在危机关头

And are you back for good?

for good 永远,终究


we said we didn't want to rush into things.

rush into things 操之过急

But I'm just trying to stick to the plan here.

stick to 维持,继续

Just because we lost track for a minute there doesn't mean we should just forget about it.

lose track 与某人失去联络,将某物抛在脑后

Israeli-Ppalestinian complicated by the looks of it.

以色列和巴勒斯坦的关系看 着还复杂咧。这么说的言下之意就是你跟Lily的关系难道还能比得上巴以冲突?况且那也没看上去那么复杂来着。

And it wasn't one of those "Parent Trap" situations that you and Jenny could swoop in on.

"Parent Trap" 《天生一对》是迪斯尼出品的真人电影,讲一对儿双胞胎撮合离婚父母的故事。
jiuwu 发表于 2012-6-14 10:52:48
- I'm sure you'll find a way to make an impression.

make an impression 给人留下深刻印象

I'll just let you get back to your euro-fawning.

euro-fawning 欧洲的马屁精

It's good to keep Nate on his toes.

keep on one's toes 让某人保持警惕

The old make-him-jealous-by-bringing-the-Titled-European ploy.


I knew you'd see the error of your ways.

see the error of your ways 承认错误

why would you take romantic advice from a guy who has a cabbage patch doll?

cabbage patch doll 大头娃娃


All you need to know is I blew my chance.

blow one's chance 机会告吹

But I originated that innocent, doe-eyed stare. I usually employ it when I know more than I'm willing to let on.

innocent, doe-eyed stare 无辜的大眼睛

let on 透露

I think we're pushing our luck at this point.

push luck 得寸进尺
幻野 发表于 2012-8-8 10:44:34
"it was the best of times. It was the worst of times."

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