





Lessons on sex and love

发布者: pls890429 | 发布时间: 2012-6-20 00:36| 查看数: 1329| 评论数: 0|

Two teams of students debate in front of the class. There are three men in one team and three women in the other.


The topics vary from whether premarital sex is acceptable, to whether a woman should always say yes when her partner wants to have sex.


There can be a world of difference between men and women’s opinions on these controversial topics.


“Without being aware of it, students speak their minds in a heated debate,” said Gu Cong, 21. He took the course on college students’ mental health at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in his freshman year.


It’s embarrassing when a male student confessed watching pornographic movies; or when a female student wept and accused males of toying with women’s affections.


“But in this way, the course helps us read the minds of our own and of the opposite sex in terms of sex and relationships,” said Gu. “We can thus handle these issues better.”


In June, the Ministry of Education announced that institutes of higher education would be required to establish compulsory courses on college students’ mental health.


The Ministry lists sex and relationships as one of the seven areas where students often run into psychological problems.


The media have focused on how universities spread knowledge about sex, such as how it happens and how to use contraception.


However, the ultimate goal of sex education is more than knowledge about sex, according to Zhang Haiyan. Zhang is the director of the counseling center of East China University of Political Science and Law.


The goal is to give students guidance in the psychological and moral issues in sex and help them grow up to be mature males and females, Zhang told Wen Wei Po.


Immature students may be unable to cope with the grief of a breakup and may attempt to harm themselves or even commit suicide.


Such cases are not uncommon among college students. On October 1, two policemen saved a male student in Xiangshan Park in Beijing. He was depressed after a breakup and was attempting suicide with a knife.


College students also need to learn to be adults, to have self-respect and a sense of responsibility and be able to handle real-life problems in relationships.


Yang Chao (not his real name), respected his girlfriend’s beliefs and held back his impulse to have premarital sex. The 21-year-old student from Nantong University has also learned to understand his long-distance girlfriend’s insecurity and tolerate it when she flies into a tantrum for trivial things.


It’s different from puppy love before college. Yang takes it seriously and begins thinking about marriage. “There are more conflicts when we both have more concerns,” said Yang. “It’s good that my teacher took real stories as examples to offer us tips.”


Some other students, however, don’t take sex and relationships seriously.


Jiang Jianping is the instructor of the sex education course at Fujian Normal University. In his opinion, it’s essential to give guidance to college students, especially the Internet generation.


“They can be easily misled by careless attitudes toward sex, morality and law on the Internet,” said Jiang.


To avoid sounding patronizing, instructors of sex education in universities have adopted fun, interactive teaching methods.


Li Qiang, 20, a student from Shaanxi University of Science and Technology, was asked to join a role play in class.


The play was about two young guys fighting for the same young woman. The instructor was trying to put students in an emotional situation and then taught them how to deal with it.


The problem was Li was too shy to join the play. He was also reluctant to take part in the in-class discussion.


He actually wants to know the relations between sex and love, and how to choose a suitable partner. “But for me, these questions are personal,” said Li.


“The school needs to work hard to offer sufficient one-on-one counseling services besides giving a big course.”



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