





由“嫉妒高盛”到“嫉妒贝莱德” 双语评论

发布者: pls890429 | 发布时间: 2012-6-23 22:53| 查看数: 1071| 评论数: 1|

Six years ago, Wall Street and the City of London were consumed with “Goldman envy”.

六年前,华尔街和伦敦金融城到处弥漫着一种“嫉妒高盛”(Goldman envy)的情绪。

Never mind the fact that Goldman was producing eye-popping profits, with returns on equity of 40 per cent at the peak. What fuelled that envy was that Goldman had the banking equivalent of the “it” factor (to use the phrase beloved by celebrity magazines). The smartest graduates wanted to work at Goldman, the savviest clients used its services and when senior public figures left office, they often jumped aboard, not just because its desks were paved with bonus gold, but because the company was at the centre of so much cutting-edge financial and policy innovation.


But is the “it” factor now stealthily passing from Goldman to companies such as BlackRock? That is one intriguing question running through my mind following this week’s news that Philipp Hildebrand, the former chairman of the Swiss National Bank, is becoming vice-chairman for BlackRock, based in Europe.

但眼下,这个“它”因素是否正从高盛悄然向贝莱德(BlackRock)等公司转移呢?最近,当看到有消息称瑞士央行(SNB)前行长菲利普•希尔德布兰德(Philipp Hildebrand)将出任贝莱德副董事长时(常驻欧洲),我想到了这个有趣的问题。

Quite why Hildebrand decided on this move is not something he has discussed at length in public; it probably reflected personal, as much as strategic, reasons.


But if an anthropologist were to look at this move, in terms of what it reveals about the modern financial tribe, it looks symbolic on at least two counts.


For one thing, it points to the extraordinary position of BlackRock itself. When Larry Fink, the sharp-eyed former bond trader, first joined BlackRock more than two decades ago, asset management was a very unglamorous field and fixed income assets had none of the glitz of, say, equity trades. But in the intervening years, Fink has stealthily created a behemoth, through organic growth and mergers, with some $3,700bn of assets under management. That is some way bigger than the entire British economy.

首先,这反映出贝莱德自身非同寻常的地位。当目光敏锐的前债券交易员拉里•芬克(Larry Fink)20多年前加入贝莱德时,资产管理还是一个很不起眼的领域,固定收益资产也不像股票交易那样,拥有炫目的光环。但随后几年间,通过有机增长和兼并,芬克不动声色地缔造了一个资产管理规模达到约3.7万亿美元的庞然大物。这甚至超过了英国的总体经济规模。

Arguably more striking though is its information and infrastructure edge. As its assets have swelled, the company has built a vast database to track and measure the value of assets, particularly in the fixed-income and distressed-asset fields. As a result, during the 2008 crisis, both private financial firms and branches of the US government alike repeatedly drew on its consultancy, valuation and risk-management skills.


And European governments and companies are following suit: BlackRock is currently playing a crucial advisory role in places ranging from Ireland to Greece. Indeed, the total sum of assets which it is monitoring is worth $12,000bn. That is almost the size of the US economy.


This puts BlackRock in an extraordinarily influential position. But it also creates challenges. Managing a company this big is tough. So is creating fresh sources of revenue and profit (though BlackRock’s profits have been reasonable recently, margins are not spectacular). And as it dances ever closer with governments, the reputational challenges are rising. BlackRock, like Google, benefits from the fact that it dominates an infrastructure niche – but that creates political risks. Little wonder it likes hiring people with senior policy knowledge.


But aside from the company itself, the wider structural symbolism of Hildebrand’s move is fascinating too. Back in the old days – or before 2007 – one of the biggest reasons why Goldman had the “it” factor was that there was real intellectual excitement and profit potential to be found from trading securities, devising funky derivative instruments and concluding corporate deals. That was cutting edge. These days, however, profit and innovation in those fields is being undercut by financial reform and overcapacity, particularly at regulated banks. A sense of stigma is afoot.


Life outside regulated banks, in fields such as asset management, still offers the potential for thrills, particularly when conducted in non-banks. It currently requires a lot of brainpower, for example, to work out how to generate reasonable investor returns in a zero-interest rate world. So too does devising solutions for the looming pensions crunch (which is going to be as big, if not bigger, a headache for the next decade as the eurozone crisis is today). True, this may not sound as sexy or as lucrative as, say, prop trading, but the potential for creativity is there.


Now it remains to be seen, of course, whether BlackRock (or anyone else) can produce such innovation. It is also unclear whether BlackRock will be able to sidestep all the political challenges. Some rumblings of discontent about conflicts of interest have already surfaced in places such as Spain. These may spread, unless BlackRockis extraordinarily savvy in the coming years (memo to Fink: just look at Goldman’s own story to see how sentiment can turn). But, if nothing else, his ascent shows that the financial crisis is not just producing big losers – but some significant winners too.


“BlackRock envy” is not a phrase that trips off the tongue; but it may point to the way that finance is evolving today.

“嫉妒贝莱德”(BlackRock envy)不是一个朗朗上口的短语;但它可能揭示了当今金融业的演进方向。


pls890429 发表于 2012-6-28 23:13:21
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