






发布者: kathy | 发布时间: 2012-8-13 11:31| 查看数: 756| 评论数: 1|


It is meant to be the happiest day of your life. So Alex Pelling, 32, and Lisa Grant, 30, must be having an extremely happy year.


  So far they have been hitched among dolphins in Hawaii, dressed as vampires in LA, on an island in Honduras, in a crayfish-riddled lake in Michigan, in a vineyard in Quebec, on the beach in Mexico, on horseback in Banff and in 15 other locations around Central, South and North America.


The East Yorkshire couple have been travelling the world since last summer and celebrating their love for each other by having 22 wedding ceremonies in different countries - and they still have eight to go.  这对来自东约克郡的情侣自上一个夏天就开始周游世界,在22个不同的国家举行过不同的婚礼。而现在他们还有8个地方要去,他们的爱仍在继续前行。  What's more, the pair say they are now more in love than ever.  并且他们表示,他们比过去更爱对方了。

'After a glass of wine or two the idea grew, and we made a decision to have a small ceremony in every country we visited, with the local cultures and traditions in mind.'  “一两杯酒下肚,我们就萌发了这个主意,决定在每一个我们去过的国家,按照当地的文化和风俗举行一个小小的婚礼仪式。”  'At the end of our trip we will choose our favourite place to officially "tie the knot"!'  “在旅途的最后,我们会选择一个最喜欢的地方正式结为夫妇。”

 Ever since their first wedding in Manchester, the couple have kept an online blog about the travels, and professional photographers have helped document the trip. Anyone who wishes to attend one of their ceremonies can request an invitation on their blog.  自从他们在曼彻斯特举行了第一个仪式后,他们就在博客上持续更新着旅行进程。而职业摄影师则帮助他们记录这次旅行。想要参加他们的婚礼,只要在他们的博客上提出申请即可。

 Alex said: 'The budget is very tight but we are managing. Our biggest cost is fuel, obviously, and we do a weekly shop at local markets to reducing our living costs.  艾利克斯说:“虽然预算很紧张,但是我们还是应付了下来。预算中最大的一项显然是汽油,而每周只在当地超市做一次采购,我们还是能节省下生活成本的。”  'And of course we could not even begin to afford to throw a wedding every other week if it was not for the generosity of the photographers, suppliers, families and people we meet on our journey. Everyone helps us for free or a minimal cost as they want to help us spread the love and to be a part of our adventure!'  “要是没有摄影师、供应商、家里人以及旅途上遇到的每一个人的慷慨帮助,我们是负担不起这些婚礼仪式的。他们有的提供无偿帮助,有的只收一点点钱,因为他们想帮助我们传播这份爱,并且也成为我们的爱情冒险中的一员。”

When asked about any problems they have encountered along the way, the couple say making repairs to Peggy has been the biggest hurdle.  当问及他们在路上遇到的困难时,他们承认修他们的Peggy小车曾是一个巨大的障碍。  'With regards to the wedding side of the journey, everyone has been so accommodating and we have had very few obstacles, only once were we turned away for a ceremony for not having committed to the same religious beliefs as the local church.'  “关于旅行婚礼仪式的方方面面,我想说旅途中的每个人都是那么亲切友好,我们基本没遇到什么障碍。只有一次,因为我们和当地教堂的宗教信仰不同,我们的仪式被迫中止。”

The couple say their Peru wedding was 'the most emotional, touching and stunningly beautiful; and therefore probably their favourite, and that one of the trickiest to organise was in Belize, where they wanted to hold a ceremony in the Toledo district with help from local Mayan people, but where a week-long torrential downpour and a photographer stuck 600km away hampered proceedings.  这对情侣还说在秘鲁在婚礼仪式是最令人感动的,美得令人难以忘怀,也许正是他们最喜欢的那一种。而在伯利兹的婚礼则是最繁琐的,多亏了许多玛雅人的帮助,他们才能在托莱多地区举行婚礼。不过因为一场长达一周的瓢泼大雨,他们的摄影师被困在600公里之外,以至于婚礼仪式被迫延迟。

Even more luckily, they say they are still as much in love as they were when their adventure began.  幸运的是,他们仍像旅途开始前那样爱着对方。  'And probably more so! We are together 24 hours a day, seven days a week and live in a van. We arrange weddings, share the driving, split the blog workload and take it turns to make each other breakfast every day.'  “也许我们比以前更爱对方了!我们每周每天每小时都在一起,一同住在车房里。我们共同安排婚礼,一起开车,一起更新博客还每天轮流做早饭!”


kathy 发表于 2015-7-12 12:20:47
Useful, thank you.
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