





乡村音乐:Hunter Hayes - Storm warning

发布者: Rebecca620 | 发布时间: 2012-8-29 14:32| 查看数: 1450| 评论数: 0|


歌曲 Storm warning

艺人 Hunter Hayes

音乐星级 ★★★★★

所属专辑 Hunter Hayes

发行年代 :2011

风格 :Country


相关介绍 :90年代风靡全美的乡村童星长大了,今年在他20岁时候发行了他第一张专辑!这张专辑可谓全美民众期待了整整十几年啊!还记得当年小Hunter在全美各大电视上登台表演,让全美为之热爱的超级甜心的年代;当年hunter可谓超级大牌,在各位乡村巨星的演唱会担当嘉宾。Hunter于95之后淡出电视圈,跟任何一个平凡的美国男孩一样健康的成长,15年过后,当年的可爱甜心现在已经成长为一个挺拔俊俏的美少年,而15年的成长可不是吃白饭,事实证明Hunter可不是一个彗星,当年的乡村神童现在依旧是毫无争议的乡村神童:完全熟练掌握10种乐器,完美的创作能力,专辑所有歌曲均为他一手创作,15年的成长让他对于乡村乐予以充分的积累和进步。


Song Storm warning

Artist Hunter Hayes


Oh no

She rolled in from the west in a summer sun dress

Hotter than the heat in July

With her wind blown hair it just wasn't fair

The way she was blowin' my mind

Have you ever noticed every hurricane

Gets its name from a girl like this?

She's a cat 5 kind keeps you up at night

Hangin' on to the edge of a kiss

She's a beautiful mess

Yeah, the kind you love to love

But what happens next?

I got a feelin' when the sun comes up

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a sign

I'm gonna wish I had a little heads up

A little leeway, a little more time

Some kind of radar system

Locked in on love

I got a feelin' by the time the night finds the mornin'

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

Ain't it funny how it feels when you're burnin' your wheels

Somewhere between goin' and gone

You get so lost that you can't turn it off

You give in and you just turn it on

She's a heart full of rain, red lips like a flame

She's a girl from your favorite song

What a beautiful mess

One part angel, one part perfect, one part a wreck

The kind of flood you'll never forget

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a sign

I'm gonna wish I had a little heads up

A little leeway, a little more time

Some kind of radar system

Locked in on love

I got a feelin' by the time the night finds the mornin'

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a sign

I'm gonna wish I had a little heads up

A little leeway, a little more time

Some kind of radar system

Locked in on love

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a sign

I'm gonna wish I had a little heads up

A little leeway, a little more time

Some kind of radar system

Locked in on love

I got a feelin' by the time the night finds the mornin'

I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

Yeah, I'm gonna wish I had a storm warnin'

I'm gonna wish I had a sign, gonna wish I had a sign

Of a storm warnin', yeah



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