






发布者: betty9011 | 发布时间: 2012-11-20 12:22| 查看数: 1243| 评论数: 0|


一、用在感官动词see, watch, notice, find, observe, catch, hear, feel等后面作宾补。如:She saw the wounded man carried into the hospital.



In the dream Peter saw himself  by a fierce wolf, and he woke suddenly with a start. (2006上海卷)

A. chasedB. to be chased

C. be chased D. having been chased




After a knock at the door, the child heard his mother’s voice  him. (2007上海春)

A. calling B. called

C. being calledD. to call


二、用在使役动词have, make, get, keep, leave等后面作宾补。如:

He managed to get the task finished on time. 他设法按时完成了任务。


Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to have her written English  in a short period. (2007福建卷)

A. improvedB. improving

C. to improveD. improve



(1) 在“have+宾语+宾补”结构中,充当宾补的有do,doing和 done。do表示主动,动作可能发生;doing表示主动,动作在持续;have sth. done请别人来做某事或遭遇到某情况。如:

The director had her assistant  some hot dogs for the meeting. (2008全国II卷)

A. picked up B. picks up

C. pick up D. picking up


(2) 在“make+宾语+宾补”结构中用do或done而不用doing作宾补。如:

My parents have always made me about myself, even when I was twelve.


A. feeling wellB. feeling good

C. feel well D. feel good



They use computers to keep the traffic  smoothly. (2009全国II卷)

A. being runB. run

C. to run D. running


三、用在order, want, wish, expect等表示“希望、要求”的动词后面作宾补。如:


She wants her paintings  in the gallery, but we don’t think they would be very

popular. (2007上海春)

A. displayB. to display

C. displaying D. displayed


【拓展】此类动词后跟to do和done作宾补。to do表主动,done表被动。四、在“with复合结构”中作宾补。如:

The day ended with nothing settled.


John received an invitation to dinner, and with his work , he gladly accepted it.(2007安徽卷)

A. finishedB. finishing

C. having finished D. was finished




— Come on, please give me some ideas about the project.

— Sorry. With so much work  my mind, I almost break down. (2007福建卷)

A. filledB. filling

C. to fillD. being filled




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