





纽约警察寒夜为流浪汉送鞋 温暖照片感动网友

发布者: anro | 发布时间: 2012-12-4 11:02| 查看数: 934| 评论数: 0|


NEW YORK — A tourist’s snapshot of a New York City police officer giving new boots to a barefoot homeless man in Times Square has created an online sensation.


Jennifer Foster, of Florence, Ariz., was visiting New York with her boyfriend on Nov. 14, when she came across the shoeless man asking for change in Times Square.


As she was about to approach him, she said the officer — identified as Larry DePrimo — came up to the man with a pair of all-weather boots and thermal socks on the frigid night. She recorded his generosity on her cellphone.


It was posted Tuesday night to the NYPD’s official Facebook page and became an instant hit. More than 410,000 users “liked” it as of Thursday evening, and more than 100,000 shared it.

周二晚间,这张照片被放在了纽约警署的Facebook主页,并迅速在网上引起轰动。截止到周四晚上,超过41万名用户“顶” 了这张照片,并有超过10万人分享。

Thousands of people commented, including one person who praised him as “An officer AND a Gentleman.” The photo shows the officer kneeling beside the man with the boots at his feet. A shoe store is seen in the background.

数千名网友发表了自己的评论,其中有一人赞扬他:“一名警官,更是一名绅士。” 照片上,这位警官单膝跪在流浪汉身边,脚边放着一双靴子,背景则是一家鞋店。

The NYPD Facebook page on Thursday posted a comment from DePrimo saying, “I didn’t think anything of it,” and updated it with a photo of DePrimo taken in 2011.

纽约警署的Facebook主页周四更新了来自德普里默的评论,“我完全没有想太多,” 主页上还更新了一张德普里默警官在2011年拍的照片。

“I have these size 12 boots for you, they are all-weather. Let’s put them on and take care of you,” Foster quoted DePrimo as saying to the homeless man.

“我有一双12码的靴子给你,一年四季都可以穿。穿上它们,照顾好自己,” 福斯特引用了德普里默对流浪汉说的话。

She wrote: “The officer squatted down on the ground and proceeded to put socks and the new boots on this man. The officer expected NOTHING in return and did not know I was watching.”


Foster, who is a dispatch manager at the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office, said she’s worked in law enforcement for 17 years and has never been more impressed.


“His presentation of human kindness has not been lost on myself or any of the Arizona law enforcement officials with whom this story has been shared,” Foster wrote on Facebook. She said she never got the officer’s name.


“I was just doing my job,” DePrimo told reporters later Thursday. When asked about spending his own money on the boots, DePrimo said, “You just don’t think about things like that.”

“我只是在例行公事,” 德普里默上周四在采访中回答道。当问及他用自己的钱去买靴子的问题时,他说道,“就是根本不会想到这些事情。”

He told The New York Times that he keeps the receipt for the boots in his vest to remind him “that sometimes people have it worse.”



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